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All posts by Sam Brinson
7 Simple Daily Rules for Health and Happiness
Posted November 26, 2015
It\'s a goal we strive to for most of our life--to be happy and healthy. But what exactly allows us to achieve this? There\'s been a lot of people write and research how, from ...
Posted November 23, 2015
Happiness is an ambiguous term that get\'s used to define a number of rather different emotions. We can be happy through enjoying the current activity, we can be happy with our ...
The Awesome Health Benefits of Walking
Posted November 19, 2015
Most of us neglect walking, thinking of it as just a means of transportation, something that can be easily replaced with a car, bus, or taxi. When we think of exercise, on the ...
20 Tips for Your First Marathon
Posted November 16, 2015
I\'m thankful that more people are starting to take their health and fitness seriously. People are using tech to help, we\'re getting smarter about what we eat, we\'re seeing h ...
Posted November 12, 2015
Form and technique are essential elements of performing well and avoiding injury. It\'s a common reason for why we seek out couches and trainers, to help us learn. Good?form is ...
Lower Cholesterol With Diet Instead of Drugs
Posted November 9, 2015
We have a problem with cholesterol. To many of us eat?horrible foods that drive our levels of cholesterol through the roof, leading to large bellies and degrading health standa ...