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All posts by Rob J.
Words of Wisdom On Relationships
Posted November 26, 2012
I recently ended a relationship best described in the words of comedian Dain Cane as a relationSHIT. I?ll refrain from divulging any personal information or specific details about ...
Why Feeling like Shit Can Be a Good Thing
Posted November 14, 2012
Who you think is sitting behind the computer screen, writing this article? Some suave ladies? man who strolls into nightclubs and rounds up women like a pimped out cattle herder? S ...
Posted October 16, 2012
There?s a major misconception that has kept guys from getting laid for years. The misconception involves humor. We all know that women love ?men who can make them laugh??in fact, w ...
This is the Best Time to get in the Best Shape of Your Life
Posted October 4, 2012
Whenever it comes to fitness, you usually see a mad dash to the sign-up desks of every gym in May and June. Most people want to get that ?summer bod? to strut around the nearest po ...
Posted September 25, 2012
It?s funny until it happens to you We all have a war story. The girl who pretended she was pregnant to get our attention. The one who accused us of giving her HIV, and then late ...
Why I Left: A TSB Writer’s Farewell
Posted June 4, 2012
All my life I?ve been immature. This became forebodingly clear when I was in 6th grade, and my friend Will and I threw a massive spitball at the head of our social studies teacher ...
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