Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
All posts by Kate Ferguson
Posted December 25, 2014
There are a lot of different ideas thrown around when it comes to getting and staying hydrated, many of them straight from the mouth of product advertisers. So how do you sort ...
Getting and Keeping Her Attention
Posted December 24, 2014
You\'re never going to get anywhere with a girl unless you can get her attention to begin with, and then keeping it is obviously going to be crucial. It\'s safe to assume that ...
Ways to Beat a Winter Cold Fast
Posted December 18, 2014
No one ever really has time for a cold ever, but coming down with a bug during the holiday season can be particularly inconvenient. Preventing a cold is obviously the best way ...
6 Reasons Why We Don’t Accept a Second Date
Posted December 16, 2014
Dating can be awesome, or it can be pretty awful. Sometimes we have chemistry and sometimes we don\'t, but it can take sorting through a few people to find it.?For th ...
Coffee and Your Health: Is it Good or Bad For You?
Posted December 11, 2014
There are some mixed opinions on coffee out there, but those opinions usually lean toward the extremes of can\'t live without it or won\'t go near it. I\'m sure there are occas ...
4 Serious Red Flags to Look Out For in a Girl
Posted December 8, 2014
There are never any guarantees when it comes to meeting new people, especially in the dating world. We\'ve all had that experience where someone seemed totally normal and then ...