Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
All posts by Bobby Rio
Posted June 5, 2006
Here is the newest Cliff\'s List newsletter printed. For those of you who don\'t know Cliff\'s List has been tracking the seduction community for years and always has its finger ...
Posted June 2, 2006
What Makes a Man Attractive Here\'s an article from Derek Vitalio where he talks about what make\'s a guy appear attractive to a woman. So many guys think you can improve your ...
Posted June 1, 2006
Below is another Derek V. article about seduction. His stuff is definately worth reading. I\'d say everything he puts out has atleast a couple good tips you can pick up. Posi ...
4 Keys to Over Coming Your Nervousness
Posted May 30, 2006
Here is a good little article by John Alexander on overcoming nervousness. I think if most men could just tame this one area of their life, there pick up success would improve gr ...
Posted May 29, 2006
Here is another Bad Boy article. I\'ve been posting a bunch of his stuff lately and always find some good stuff he has to say. Resistance with women? If you're lucky, th ...
How Kissing a Woman Can Ruin Your Chances
Posted May 29, 2006
Below is another great article I recieved from Mystery. As all of you know I am a huge fan of everything that Mystery puts out. His book Magic Bullets is on the top of my list of m ...