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All posts by Bobby Rio
Matchmaking Videos from the 80’s
Posted November 18, 2008
Have you ever watched the on demand matchmaking profile videos? Some of them are down right hilarious. I found these old matchmaking videos from seems to be sometime in the 1980s ...
True South Park fans can understand Kenny
Posted November 18, 2008
Are you a true South Park fan? Really? I am and have been for quite some time, but it wasn\'t until recently that I was able to understand Kenny on a regular basis. I believe its a ...
Posted November 18, 2008
This next article is part of an ongoing series here at TSB Magazine called The Success Principles. The series is based on the 64 principles laid out by Jack Canfield in his cour ...
Posted November 18, 2008
Which Seduction Archetype Are You? In his popular book The Art of Seduction Robert Greene claims that there a nine seducer types in the world, each with their own particular cha ...
Posted November 17, 2008
The average guy who hits on a girl is boring. He is generally talking about himself most of the time, or asking her flat dry questions that elicit no emotional response. If y ...
Study Says: Romance doesn’t have to fade
Posted November 17, 2008
A new study suggests that the myth or romance fading over time is not necessarily true. The findings are based on functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) which scanned th ...