Lean and Powerful: Nutrition for Marathon Training
Naturally our diet has a massive influence on how we feel and how much energy we have. In the most simple way,?eating healthily can be achieved by avoiding fast and processed foods, while sticking to whole and natural foods. This works wonders for our wellbeing especially if we’ve been prone to eating unwell for a long time.
But?this simple definition of a healthy diet isn’t right for everyone. Many of us take part in some form of sport or workout routine that asks something more from our food choices. Those that are frequenting the weights room trying to pack on muscle need something different to those that are trying to win an endurance race. Those in that second group, the ones that participate in marathons and other long distance events, require a very specific diet. Breaking Muscle has put together a nice post on what you should be eating if you’re a member of this group:
Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for nutritional benefits that you can?t get from a package.
For example, blueberries contain anthocyanins, which in some studies have been shown to increase aerobic performance and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). Eggs contain leucine to trigger muscle growth and omega-3s to help with inflammation, making them a convenient and affordable protein powerhouse for athletes.
The article goes on to point out the timing of your carbohydrates, and how to maintain muscle mass.?If you want to reach the end of a marathon in good time, it might pay to check it out.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.