Top Tips and Tricks To Stay Healthy On A Budget
In general, buying healthy foods can be an expensive ordeal. Lean meats, sweet potatoes and other fresh vegetables are all on the pricey side. However, eating unhealthy is not cheap either. So often people spend their hard earned money on irrelevant products whilst still complaining about the price of healthy eating. Well you may think eating unhealthy meals is initially cheap, in the long run you?ll pay for it in terms of doctors bills, allergy medications, hormone drugs and so on.
Yes it?s true eating and cooking healthy will cost more at first but in the long-term, you can actually break even ? if not ? save money. This is why we bring you an article over at Breaking Muscle, which has some useful tips on how to stay savvy in the supermarket:
1. Grab And Go
While you are at the store, stock up on grab-and-go healthy items that will definitely get eaten and save time and money, such as:
- Buy a few prepared rotisserie chickens from Whole Foods or another natural food store to keep in your fridge for easy snacking and meal supply
- Hardboiled eggs.Trader Joe?s sells cage-free hardboiled eggs (yes, already boiled!) or you can easily grab some of these on a salad bar at the grocery store if you don?t like making your own.
2. Keep It Simple
Stick to the KISS philosophy (keep it simple, stupid) when shopping and preparing your weekly healthy meals. While trying new recipes is fun, you may not always have time for this.?So, buy the basics, and if you need some creativity, use different spices or simple variations to change up the flavors.
All it takes is a bit of forward planning and clean eating becomes simple, easy and ? most importantly ? cost effective. Make sure to check out the article above so you can transform your eating habits. Your body and bank balance will thank you for it.
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About Matt Lawson Matt Lawson is a UK based sports journalist who covers all the latest football (soccer) news and matches for the Press Association. A keen Newcastle United fan, Matt is usually found either watching or playing the beautiful game.