8 Tips to increase Sexual Attraction

How to Amplify Sexual Attraction (8 Simple Ways)

It would be nice if sexual attraction was simply a result of stating what makes you a sex-worthy man and then she would logically assess whether your argument is valid or not.

Interactions would go like this:

Man: ?I?m in great physical shape, I can take you on many adventures, and give you many orgasms, I will be loyal to you, and I won?t be unnecessarily rude, If you are a good girlfriend, I will reward you with affection, love and respect, I also have an amazing sense of humor?

Woman: ?Yeah you sound like my type. Let?s go!?

But impacting a woman?s emotions is much more efficient than logically explaining why should be interested in you. Women often describe personality traits they would like in their ideal man. But they actually have sex with and date men who are nowhere near similar to the ideals they describe. Because the men they date are the men that affect their emotions.

This article includes 10 tips for developing your ability to affect women?s emotions and make the women you are interested in sexually attracted to you.

Live your life with passion

When you wake up every morning are you proud to be living your life? Do you have goals, ambitions, passions, hobbies or any skills you are working on?

You might not be very successful yet, but you can still display passion and enthusiasm for anything that is important to you. If you have ambitions and you are moving towards your goals you are displaying a very attractive quality.

Probably the best way to attract high quality women is to be successful at life. And by successful I don?t mean you have to be making lots of money.

I mean you have to be satisfied with the life you are living and constantly be moving towards your ideal life.

When you are passionate and excited about the life you are living you attract people into your world because it looks like a beautiful place to be.

Remember: Women love sex

I coach many men in Asia who have been brainwashed by society to believe that sex is something dirty and that women don?t like sex as much as men. When they see women are actually completely comfortable talking about sex and how much women enjoy it that sometimes changes their lives.

It is completely natural that women want sex as much as men. It is completely natural that women are sexually attracted to men.

Don?t avoid asking sexual questions if you would like to ask them. Assume the girl you are interested in has a wild sexual side. She is probably completely comfortable discussing it with you. But you will never know if you are too afraid of offending her by mentioning it.

Keep conversations interesting for you.

A huge mistake I?ve seen many men make with women is that they deliberately talk about what they think those women would be interested in talking about.

When she makes some statement like, ?I?m studying Italian?

He?ll reply with: ?wow! That?s so cool!?

He doesn?t actually think it?s cool. He just wants to keep the conversation going. He is afraid to offend her because she might walk away if she is.

A confident man won?t care. A confident man won?t need her approval.

A confident mane might reply playfully that she is only studying Italian because she wants to pick up lots of Italian guys.

Don?t fear her opinion of you. Your opinion of yourself is much more important. When you are on a date or talking to any girl, only say exactly what you want to say.

Say it because you enjoy expressing yourself. This doesn?t mean be intentionally rude, it just means honestly express exactly what you want to say.

State your interest

If you are on a date with a girl you like, you can let her know what it is about her you find attractive.

You can first compliment some aspect about her personality that you admire. Such as her creativity or positive attitude. It?s difficult to give good examples, but when you are talking to a girl I?m sure you will realize exactly what it is you find fascinating about her.

That compliment establishes that you are interested in who she is. So make it sincere and don?t say it if you don?t actually mean it.

Anybody can give a meaningful compliment.

The next part is more essential to increasing sexual intention.

Compliment some part of her physical appearance that you are attracted to. You could say her Legs or the way she walks is sexy. Stating this establishes that you are looking at her as a man looking at a woman, and not just as person to person.

If you find her physically attractive, you should admit it.

Inspire your masculinity.

Expose yourself to books, movies, articles and role models that inspire you to be embrace your masculinity. Get inspiration to become exactly the type of man you want to become.

There is a saying that we are the average of our 5 best friends and the books we have read. If the books you read and the people around you aren?t inspiring you then you could do better.

Work Out

This tip should be obvious but it is important enough to include in this list. Working out, and eating well not only increases your physical stamina but puts you in a great mood. When you feel better people are naturally more attracted to you.

If you aren?t fitting some form of exercise into your life try to. There are so many benefits to regular work outs. You also increase your confidence.

Confident Body language.

You can choose to lie with your words, but your body language is always an honest representation of what you are feeling inside.

You can actually use your body language to influence how you feel. There was an experiment in which 2 groups of people were going to bungee jump. The first group crawled on the floor all day and cowered in a fearful position for 2 minutes before the jump. Most of the people in this group couldn?t convince themselves to jump and needed 6 to 10 minutes to finally be able to.

The second group walked confidently all day and threw their arms in the air above their head for 2 minutes before jumping. They all jumped immediately.

They found that when you are using confident body language you are actually increasing your testosterone!

Sexual Topics

If you know someone who only talks about boring topics what will you associate that person with? Boredom of course!

When you talk about stimulating, sexual topics women will associate you with those topics and the feelings they get when they think about them.

You can talk about any sexual stories that have been in the news, or ask her any sexual question you want to ask.

In most cases this of course won?t be the only thing you talk about of course. But when you are willing to talk about these things you increase the sexual tension.

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About Maxim Adam I started coaching confidence and communication skills to men in Asia when I realized their immense limiting beliefs were preventing them from attracting women with authenticity. Get more of my tips on confidence, social skills, and sexual attraction at www.daygamereview.com and please like our Facebook page:www.facebook.com/daygamerev

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