Must-Read: Morning Routine
They’re wrong about breakfast, you know. About it being the most important meal of the day. It’s as important as the others. But what they’re right about is that the morning is the most important part of your day. That’s where you set the stage for the rest of it. If you get up out of bed in a sloggish way, chances are the rest of your day is going to suck. If you get out and start working out right away, well, at the very least you’ll have that to hang your hat on for the rest of the day.
So today, we’re heading over to Men’s Health where they have a full listing of ways to make your morning routine, well, routine. Among the advice that they offer:
3. Next go through Morgenstern’s four Ds: delete, delay, diminish, and delegate.
Delete: Eliminate the things you really don’t need to do. There’s little chance your boss will take “I was wrapped up in Sports Center” as an acceptable excuse for being tardy. And never check your e-mail or Blackberry. “It distracts your energy, puts you in a bad mood, and trains people that you’re available at all hours,” Morgenstern says. “And then you become trapped by it.”
Delay: Or, more accurately, do something at a different time. Identify the things you could do in advance. Most of these are simple?picking out your clothes, making your lunch, packing your gym bag and briefcase (leave them by the door so you don’t forget them)?but all of these little tasks add up.
Diminish: Create shortcuts where you can. If you enjoy long showers, consider saving those for nights and cutting your morning bathing to a quickie.
Delegate: Seek help from others for the things others could do. Could your daughter walk the dog? Or maybe you can convince your girlfriend to make you a portion of whatever she has for breakfast.
Head on over to check out the other vital advice, and then get to starting off your day in the right way.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.