Must-Read: Healthy Beer!
Drinking is great. We love drinking. We love drinking during sporting events. We love drinking before sporting events. We love drinking after sporting events. We love drinking when there are no sporting events going on, but there are other things happening. Like, say, a movie being on. Or the news. Or the moon shining brightly overhead in the middle of the night. Or the sun out and the afternoon winding down into a sunset and the early evening. Or really any time at all.
You see, as we’ve stated, we love drinking. The problem, though, is that there are calories associated with putting alcohol in your body. Yes, the buzz is good. But if you drink a whole lot, soon enough you’ll end up fat and bloated and, well, drinking is less fun and more sad then. Luckily, there are actually beers out there that are options at the bars you’re heading to where the caloric content isn’t as big as you’d think. While the article listing them over at Men’s Fitness is called “6 Surprisingly Healthy Beers,”we’re not going to bullshit you with that. They’re not “healthy” beers, per say. They are just healthier than the other options out there. But still, that’s good enough to get excited about.
For example, there’s this one:
Guinness Draught
It?s becoming less and less of a secret at this point, but Guinness Draught, everyone?s St. Pattys Day pint of choice, is not as filling as its thick, dark body would suggest. A serving of the stout beer boasts 126 calories, which is 19 less than a Budweiser and 24 less than a Heineken. Guinness also contains a shade under 10 carbs, which is less than, say, Sam Adams Boston Lager (18 carbs per serving). This is all partly due to Guinness? low alcohol content (4.0), but don?t use any of this as an excuse to tack on a few car bombs this St. Pattys.
Who knew? Head on over to the link to check out the other 5, and then feel a LITTLE bit better when you’re having a night out on the town.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.