Must-Read: How To Be Fulfilled In Your Career
We spend a lot of time here (really, it’s our site’s “mission statement,” so to speak) talking about how to be a better man in life. And that takes a lot of different forms. There’s how to handle the ladies, fulfilling the sexual requirements you need. And we occasionally deal with trying to make you smarter by bringing about tales of great men and/or topical events so that you can be conversational in your next meeting or party. And we even try to bring you news about gadgets or various places around the globe to travel to and broaden your horizon. But one thing that seems to take a back seat here, for whatever reason, is how to reach fulfillment in your career. Which is why, today, we’re going to highlight this article all about career fulfillment over at
Stop being bored
It’s kind of a tough topic to talk about, actually, seeing as there are so many different definitions of being fulfilled in your career. Are you one of those people who see jobs as merely a means to an end, a way to afford that luxurious lifestyle at night and on the weekends, but something that you’re not going to worry about once that clock strikes 5pm? Or are you one of those obsessed folks who never don’twork, where even though you’re officially off the clock, you’re still mulling over your next project? In either case, though, there are simple rules to abide by in order to become fulfilled when it comes to work. For example:
I?m talking about talent first for one reason: It?s without question the least important factor involved in achieving career contentment. You don?t have to take my word for it; look around you. Chances are you?re surrounded by people who may be able to complete their jobs but are entirely unremarkable in terms of their talent (if you don?t see these people, chances are you?re the one lacking in the talent department). Talent is complicated, because while as an entity it?s simply your ability to perform a task, it encompasses all sorts of things like intelligence, knowledge and even your physical aptitude for certain tasks. Talent is least important for two reasons: One, there are limitations to how much you can grow your own talent. You may be able to learn new skills, but you can?t easily or cost-effectively make yourself smarter. Once you hit adulthood, you more or less have all the intellectual horsepower you?re going to have. Two, most jobs these days simply don?t require a ton of talent. We live in an automated world where no one has to be all that skilled at anything to do most jobs.
Consider that just the beginning of the wisdom about career you can find at the above link. So check it out, no matter if you’re someone who is reading this at work because you’re bored and looking for something better, or if you’re simply taking a 5-minute break to cool the brain engines before you head back to duty. There’s something for everyone there.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.