The Key to Non-Verbal
I was walking into a store and noticed that an older woman was talking to a younger woman.
Don't speak
I?m not sure what they where talking about, but it seemed like she wanted the older woman to stay while she was in the store. I smiled at the older woman first, then lingered a bit on the younger one. What comes next may shock some of you, or you?ll say that it cannot happen. All I have to say is Bull.
So I passed by her close. Not too close. But when I looked back she was outside talking to the woman and looking at me. I smiled again and looked away to do my shopping. But then I noticed that she was behind me doing shopping as well. She looked back and smiled shyly. I returned the smile, went on with my shopping, and went to meet a friend.
Now guess who was listening very, very attentively to me talking to my friend? You guessed it: The woman. From there I went to ring out at the checkout. She and her older female friend followed me out.
I was able to spark and keep a very good looking woman?s attention with very little effort. So how did I do that?
1. Keep eye contact with for one, maybe two, seconds. Keep it longer than that and she might think you?re staring in a creepy way.
2. Smile. Now, I?m not going to put a link in here about that. It?s not that kind of post. But Bobby Rio?s course Social Training Lab has a tech on slow smiling that works great on women.
Should warn you that a woman can use it too. In short: you start off smiling a little, nothing big then keep smiling a little bigger not too much just enough to make her go hmm.
You want to know what I was wearing at the time? A tea shirt and baggy black jogging pants. The goal was simply to be comfortable no matter. Now true, I?m still nervous around women who I like, but this wasn?t a big deal. The only test for the day was to get a woman or women interested in my non-verbal communication. That?s it. So don?t take it too seriously, and she won?t either.
About steve ward I’m Steve ward, I have at times run several business that I have personal started, I’ve also currently on my quest to have what is called a Hollywood body beyond that im currently looking at women with a vengeance and you get to tag along check out my blog at: