Red Alert! Red Alert! Carrie Prejean Sex Tapes Are Coming!
We interrupt our daily non-posting-at-this-hour-of-the-day to bring you this incredible news that just floored us: Prejean has quite a number of sex tapes out there. We’ll let RadarOnline take it from here:
Now a investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more ?biggest mistakes? of her life ? all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to. And there are 30 photos of , most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by using her reflection in a mirror.
On one tape is wearing just a flowing white blouse as she touches her own body in an alluring manner.? can be heard moaning on a few of the tapes.
For those keeping track, we already knew there was one video out there — which led to this wonderful back-and-forth on Larry King Live last week. But now we got seven more! Get your Internet browsers ready this weekend, kiddos. These things have a way of coming out sooner rather than later. We’ll leave you with a photo of former Miss California herself:
Happy weekend, everyone
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.