Lets Start the Top Commenter Contest off with some New Year’s Stories
So, it is January 1st, and like I promised, January will be reader appreciation month. All month long I will be running various contests including this commenter contest, story submitting, pictures, basically any contest I can think of to give away my entire collection of pick up and seduction material.. and I have a lot.
The first contest is the top commenter contest, and it starts today. The rules are simple. The top five commenter’s will receive prizes on January 31st. The goal of the contest:
Make this site a place where we can all come to share ideas, support each other, tell funny stories, inspirational stories, educate the newbies, review products, and give feedback.
That being said, I will disqualify someone who simply goes back through all the articles and writes “good article” or something similar to that.
The prizes:
1st Place: Street Dating Revealed DVD
2nd Place: NonVerbal Sexual Cuing by Derek Vitalio
3rd Place: Master the Vibe Conversation Starters CD
4th Place: Double Your Dating ebook
5th Place: Mike Stoute’s Boyfriend Experience Ebook
Lets start this contest off with some good New Year’s Eve stories. Hash posted a good one under yesterdays post. I want to read some more…
Once I get rid of this hangover I will begin the story of what went down the last week with the break up, the other woman, and what the hell exactly happened to Bobby Rio in Atlantic City last night.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.