Best Weekend Reading From Around the Web
Finally some nice weather to enjoy!
I’m ready to rock the next radio show. And I’m still hocking copies of Social Superstar… get yours now.
Mathew Hussey wrote a good article about a sure fire way to gain more confidence. You can also listen to a recent podcast I did with Mathew Hussey called “3 Steps to Inner Game.”
Tenmagnet posted an insteresting article about the dating ambush. We’ve all been in that situation and its good to learn how to avoid it.
Time Magazine published a psycho analytical look at why nice guys finish last.
One of our readers turned me on to these two videos from Jake and Amir: Dating Coach and Dating Coach 2. Funny as shit!
Still struggling to tie a tie? This article will clear it all up.
New bootcamp dates for AFC Adam Lyons bootcamps… If you head to the one in NY I might just see you there.
Here is another recent review we received for Social Supertar:
I bought the book and so far it’s been great. It is exactly what I had been looking for. There is a lot out there as far as pick up methods go but very little on gaining higher social status. While it’s easy enough to be a social superstar amongst AFC’s, it’s a lot harder when you encounter “naturals” and other high status men. The previously confidential social intelligence manuscript is proving to be invaluable. -C.J.
Here is a list of the crazy things women do on Facebook.
And finally I found this on Braddock’s Blog, but thought I would repost:
This free training course shows you how to finally break free of your “nice guy” habits ruining your sex life.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.