Day #4: No More Mr. Nice Guy
I used to date a sleep walker.
This chick would get up in the middle of the night.
She would get fully dressed.
And then wander around the apartment.
Sometimes she’d get into her car.
Start it up.
And just sit there.
It was the weirdest thing.
And she never remembered any of it. You would find her outside a sleep in the car. I’d wake her up and ask her where she was headed.
She had no clue.
Reason I bring this up is because most guys are “sleepwalking” their way through their dating life.
Wandering around with no clue what they are doing. No clue where they are going. Not paying much attention to how they got where they got.
Just hoping and praying that somehow they meet the girl of their dreams. And somehow they don’t blow it when they do.
But guess, most of the time, when we meet her, we are STILL SLEEPING.
It’s time to WAKE THE FUCK UP.
Yesterday I made it clear. No man on a white horse is going to come and save you. No one is going to hand you a hot girlfriend or force a woman to fall in love with you.
You want one? It’s 100% your responsibility to get one.
All I can do is you lead you to the water.
I can’t make you drink.
And the first step is knowing what works.
And just as important, is knowing what doesn’t work when it comes to attracting that cool, hot girl. And not just attracting her, KEEPING HER.
Now over the next 27 days you are going to learn all the necessary skills.
How to flirt and spark attraction (day 11). How tease her in a way that builds sexual tension (day 12). How to maintain her interest over text (day 18)β¦ You’ll learn how to escalate (day 17), how to get the kiss (day 24) and how to turn a female friend into a lover (day 28)β¦ and a LOT more
But before you learn all of this. You need to “get” the attitude.
Because if you don’t get the “attitude” then you’re going to struggle with the tactics.
Today I’m handing you a major mindset shift. Over the course of this program you will get a few of these. if you’re smart, you’ll implement them immediately.
I resisted this stuff at first. Sort of understood it on an intellectual levelβ¦ but always thought it didn’t apply to me.
Don’t make the same mistake I did.
Mindset Shift #2: No More Mr. Nice Guy
Maybe you heard the saying “nice guys finish last.”
It’s true.
Oh, it’s DAMN TRUE.
And no matter how much you wish it wasn’t the case.
It is.
This doesn’t mean you have to be a “dick.” Personally I hate heartless assholes.
But you need an “edge.”
You need to place MORE VALUE on yourself, than you do on her.
Do you get that?
Nice guys place more value on the woman than they do on themselves, and that’s why they lose her.
Nice guys get hung up on one girl for a long time. And never get her. Because you scare her aware with your “niceness.”
How do you know if you’re acting like a “nice guy?”
Here are some tell-tale “nice guy” behaviors.
–Doing things you don’t want to do just because a girl asks you to or suggests it. (Did you ever do a girl’s homework for her? )
–Blindly agreeing with a girl. If she’s wrong tell her. If you don’t like hip hop musicβ¦ don’t pretend to.
–Trying hard to impress her. Women have a sixth sense. They can sniff out a man who is hungry for her approval.
–Acting needy. Confessing your feeling to a girl too soon. Calling her too much. Being too available.
–Hiding your personality. Nice guys feel like they have to be perfect gentleman around a woman. And they act PG.
Here is a FACT: Nice guys are ashamed of and hide their power. In fact, they are so uncomfortable with power that they immediately trade it away to any girl they interact with.
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The bad boy is fun, sexually exciting, and a challenge. And women can’t get enough of him.
On the other hand, women know exactly what the “nice guy” wants.
This makes him predictable. It makes him fake (she knows he is hiding his true intentions).
Flat out. “Nice guys” are boring. And they don’t stir one ounce of “sexual excitement” in a woman.
From here on out it’s time to combat “nice guy” behavior.
I’ll be going into much more details in later lessons. But I want you to try something tonight.
Go out tonight and act solely with YOUR best interest in mind. Talk about what YOU want to talk about. And practice being oblivious to what she might be thinking. Tonight is all about YOU.
You want to know what the secret to being a “bad boy” is?
Its the same secret to gaining confidence: Losing Fear.
Bad boys aren’t scared to lose a girl. So they are willing to take risks.
This “risk taking” is attractive to women.
Everything will be “tied together” nicely as you make it through each lesson. But for now, you just have to trust me on this one.
I know you’ve heard the expression “nice guys finish last before”
It’s time to WAKE UP and do something about it.
Make it happen,
Bobby Rio
P.S. If you tried being the “bad boy” didn’t work for you. You probably made a MAJOR MISTAKE. A lot of guys make this mistake. And it will KILL your chances with a woman.
I can’t get into it now. But I will address it next week. Trust me, this little “fix” can turn any “nice guy” into a “bad boy” the right way.
Previous Lesson: Day 3
{ 113 comments… read them below or add one }
Bobby, that was an exceptional article. I have been married (i.e. not dated) for 41 years, so I can’t say that I know about dating. However, the key to any negotiation is being willing to walk away. It doesn’t matter whether you are discussing buying a car or making offers to buy a building or negotiating a relationship with a woman. If you’re not willing to walk away when it is clear that your opposite number isn’t interested in meeting your needs, you will lose the negotiation every time.
Oh this is SO spot on!!
It’s funnier than all can be when women realize that I’m not a introverted nice guy but a totally ruthless though typically professionally mindful and polite asshole that doesn’t take shit from anyone, including women that make the mistake of assuming that at 5’2″ I’m a pushover doormat. Those flawed personalities don’t ever get a second chance, while the rest decide the friend zone is not the place to put me.
I’ll share with you a brief success/failure story following these principles.
I met a girl recently and basically started off my whole game with her by telling her I’m a “bad boy” so she should stay away. Now mind you, I’m a rather nerdy looking guy who is a software developer by day (which she knew) so putting on a “bad boy” attitude in a nerdy guy shell was a bit of a contrast for her. She asked me why I’m so bad so I’d say things like … when i fly on airplanes I don’t put my phone in airplane mode … or that i listen to gangster rap on full blast (even recited some 2pac verses to prove the point) or that I rip off the tags on my pillows even though it says “do not remove under penalty of law”. Kind of corny but it totally worked to spark an attraction. On our first date as I was walking her back to her car we happened to walk by someone’s private garden with a “do not enter” sign on it. I happened to know the person who lived in that building (but she didn’t) so I told her I wanted to cause some trouble and pulled her into the garden and made out with her. She was hooked because it was such a “rebellious” thing to do. We ended up going back to her car but she drove back to my place that night and ended up stay over and … well it was awesome.
We ended up going on a few other dates in the weeks after that and I maintained my “cool” attitude and ended up with this girl back at my place each time. Everything was going good … UNTIL my NICE guy attitude kicked in. I actually really started to LIKE this girl and after another night spend over at my place she asked me (TESTED me) by asking how many other girls have I been sleeping with. THIS IS WHERE I COMPLETELY MESSED UP. Because I LIKED this girl I told her the was the ONLY one that I’ve been seeing. You would think that this is exactly what a girl would want to hear but I WAS DEAD F-ING WRONG. The next weekend when we had plans to see each other she FLAKED. Never showed up and didn’t reply to any of my texts (which were lame because I was just like “hey what are u up to?”). Then on the following Monday morning I get a text that said – “Hey I really like you and I get the sense that you are only dating one person at a time which is great but I should tell you that I’m still open to seeing other people and enjoying being single. Just thought you should know that”.
THIS IS WHEN I MADE MISTAKE NUMBER 2 and LET MY EMOTIONS get the best of me. I told her how I did like her and wanted to see her more and didn’t like the fact she was seeing other guys besides me. And now guess what … I haven’t seen this girl in over a month. By making myself too available and being nice to her I lost that attraction that got her in the first place.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever get her back at this point because of let my emotions get the best of me. Lesson learned here is to always keep that “edge” about you and they’ll always come back wanting more.
Bobby – any tips on how I might be able to spark things back up with this girl or did I kill my chances already?
Hey Bobby, i love the information you give in these emails, very good stuff, and i’m soooo happy on my pirchase of make small talk sexy, however i was wondering what questions i should ask when i just met a girl, right when i’m trying to create rapport, or after the ” soo… Where are you from”? Or after the hi, how’s it going
Thank you very much
I just try your advice about avoiding PG conversations and stop being “Mr nice guy” and the outcome was amazing, at first it look like it was not going to work but I push it for a few more minutes and voila I got the girls attention.
In my personal experience a great advance, thanks Boob.
Hey guys, I tried to read as many comments as possible. it seems a lot of people are confused about what a “nice guy” really is. you should read “No more Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover. That will give you some tactic on how to stop being a nice.
I was married with children for 14 years. The mother of my children had been cheating under the radar for a good deal of the last few years during that time. I suspect it was because I had become complacent, in “father mode,” and perhaps not fulfilling that “spark” validation that most women need. I see married women putting themselves out there on Face Book too who are looking for validation.
Just after having started your material, it has given me insight into the new world order of “playing the game.” And it’s true, all women are wired the same since the beginning of time. Just as Eve was talked out of her role as the wife of Adam by a very smooth talking snake, so too have you provided the tools and bullets not commonly thought of by even the most sophisticated of men’s minds. I have found this material to be very enlightening at the very least, and very pervasive at best.
The last two women I have had at my place were 26 and 27. I have several more now between the ages of 25 and 45 in the Pipeline.
Thank you for you nuggets, proven methods, and insight into the female psyche.
Mr Nice Guy, that me and now I’m going to change that. Great advice Bobby
What I also meant to say is that I’m in contempt about about any woman’s pov about the proper way to getting laid…I really could give a fuck…hell I’d rather her get rejected for being a Bad Boy…rather than being type cast as a Good Boy…meaning one who always gets played, strung along, or being made into a laughing stock by some bitch or bitches who intimidated or frighten men into being nice guys? No way!!!
I was raised to treat women in a courteous, decent, and respectful manner at all times. However, my manners are the expression of not giving a monkey rats ass about the actions, behavior, or immaturity of women…especially when to getting…I really don’t give a fuck. So yes, under the skin, I’m a Bad Boy. Bobby, my man, thanks for the reminder that one must be a full time bad boy, and stay with that mindset until it produces a female banging result.
So not recommending buying a bike, but I have a motorcycle… Doesn’t matter, but helps with the bad boy image, a little. What works well for me, is that I have dimples when I smile, but I also have a great poker face. So, It may sound crazy, but I rarely force a smile and sometimes give off a serious vibe. I gives off the vibe that I may be insensitive or unemotional. Sometimes when the girl says something and wants to see how I respond, I give her a few seconds of my poker face and make her wonder what I’m thinking. Many times I’ve heard in dates literally: “I can’t read you at all/ Idon’t know what’s going on up there/ etc.”
I may sprinkle in a question like, “what’s the last movie that made you cry? ” and I’ll share mine and say Ted or Batman. I know, stoner comedy and nerd action movie. (Ted specifically where the bear gets ripped apart, or batman where Bruce loses his parents are what I refer to)
This has been something that had gone well for me because it mixes a mysterious tone of my general demeanor with something that shows I can have some depth to my personality and can have emotions, albeit at kinds of strange moments.
Also I should note, I just don’t not smile or act like I’m cold, I just don’t force smiling and sparingly use my “poker face” to build some tension when she’s trying to feel me out.
Hi bobbie Please explain to me the following:
1.what doas it mean to try to hard?,how do i myself notice that i try to hard to Do somthing or impress a woman,cause i think giving everything you can on anything in life is a good personality treath but maby i m wrong?.
2.Lets say somone is by natur that what you call a “Perfect Gentleman” so if he is around woman and shows this gentelman behavior he is not trying to impress here but actually acts arcoding to his true personality,so the question here is as follows: how can this naturaly perfect gentelman avoid that woman think he fakes this behavior when it is infact his true natur.
same in reverse: lets say someone made the experinece that his true natur is making him look like a Psychopath and peopel judge him for it,even denying him his Job,so he learns in life to hide his true self from the world cause the world is not ready for it,yet his true friends know his true self cause theiy don t judge him for it,so how could he show his true self to a woman when she is most likely judging him for it when he doas? but is also judging him if he doas not show it?.
i would be very happy if you can give me a answer to these qestions,cause i m really trying to learn from you yet that gets hard when i “don t get” the meaning behind those words.
Ok Im just writing this down as my personal diary π So I went out the other night and I follow the rules. So talk about what I want to talk about (Mainly came across interesting people, so we talked about their future, plans and what they do), does what I want to do (dancing like there is no tmmrw, doesnt matter, whether it was good) and I was honest (met multiple girls, with one I kissed on toilet (im not so proud about that, even thought she was pretty), some girl just told me that she has a relationship, so I came up with an answer wheter it is a happy relationship and the answer was that very happy, so I wished her that I hope its going to last also in the upcoming year and started to chat like nothing happened. I have found out three shifts that helped me:
1) I dont care what others think (Im polite, can say my own opinion and thats it.. you disagree? thats fine)
2) Its mans job to make it happen ( to start conversation, to create fun) BUT you have also your value!
3) MY value. How do you know, that the girl I AM approaching is what I AM looking for? So whenever I approach I must keep in mind that also SHE has to prove to ME that she is worth it. BUT thats long after I show her that also I am worth to her.
Maybe for some others it will be inspiration (i dont know)
Bobby I accendiatly deleted the second part of Tot. Could you resend it?
i’m friend with Josh…
however, these lessons came out LONG BEFORE josh ever wrote his book.
sounds like you (bobby rio) study some of joshua pellicer’s work…
man if this is been my problem i am going to kick myself in the ass…i was raised to be nice to women…i am heading out to try this…
I go over this in a free webinar I did
I did a whole webinar on this… you can watch the replay here:
Its not about not being nice… Its about not “supplicating” for a woman. Nice guys usually arent honest with themselves.
tell me about it π I wish i had this back then π
I have allways known that nice guys finish last, but never thought it sooooo true. its not going to be easy
Hit the nail on the head with this article. I’ve been stuck in this endless Nice Guy loop with a lot of girls I meet. The more we have in common the harder it is to transition to becoming romantic with them. I just started reading “Make Smalltalk Sexy” and have just started to work in some of those tactics. For example here we are discussing “Sheldon” a “Big Bang Theory” we like in this conversation:
Me: do I remind you of him at all? a friend of mine says I do sometimes.
Her: You do, but in a good way. You’re way more social π
Me: thats good. I’m definitely not as asexual as he is lol
Her: Hahahaha! True. And you understand sarcasm
me: thx, I try haha. are you flirting with me?
Her: Hahaha nope
and she transitioned the conversation elsewhere
Its a pity this stuff wasn’t out there 20 years ago.
I’ll think i’m one girl think “o he has a disability so let start a friendship because he has no friends i’ll rather like to be his friend as his girlfriend.”
Sounds stupid but it is true
My excident has changed the way woman think about men with disability, but who cares those people are judged before girls/ woman even talk to them, and when a woman talks to me they never know a fast and how far away they are gonna stand from me.
Disability sucks so are woman they think this way.
its friday night and my college friends went to a bar, but i couldnt go because i am under the drinking age which is 19. im 18 and my birthday is a month away. im just sooo mad right now. stupid fucking laws
I never get day 2
Good advice.Im gonna get right on it
What are some examples of ways to speak r rated, opposed to pg?
You will never ever ever be happy with a woman. Why you ask because as a woman you are hardwired to give your complete and sincere love to a man. Whatever it is that you have experienced with another female is not true love nut emotions. You are actually looking for yourself, your femininity actually your true identity in another female and you will never find it there. First you must be alone get to know yourselg and realize that what you are searching for in another women is already in you. Then you will realize that when you give that feminine essence and love to a man is the Best thing in the world for you and you will truly be joyful and fullfilled . But don’t take my word for it but instead Try it out, i promise you! Your Soul Friend X
so easy to watch those instead doing this some r rated talk scares the girls away it why watching late night show are much easyr to see a pussy and nice piece of ass and that why so many guys do that instead of real asshole
it is ma shows that they say fuck pssy ass tits and show act and tess
I think I took this to the extreme with a girl a couple months ago on the first-date…it was def. X-rated; like “how wet is your p****?” So yeah, I’m taking it down a notch.
ok, but what topics should I include for this r-rated talk?
I believe what you meant to write was wandering not wondering
you can change by acting it out
Hi Nick, I am so frustrated with todays ‘liberated’ female where she wants to do everything on her own….with out the male by her side….. as a man, I really like doing things for and taking care of my lady. How do I get past this so called ‘friend’ zone and get this girl to want to kiss me? and be more intimate. I am good looking, 6 ft, 190 lbs of lean muscle, am a professional,full head of hair, green eyes and I adore beautiful women. Reason I am single now is because I lost my first wife from a motor vehicle accident and ended up raising two kids on my own. They are grown up and have moved on. I am only 50 yrs of age and told I look 35 yrs old. o you have any suggestions?
what if im by nature PG???
Very interesting… Great Way to open my mind….
it makes sense that people really have to do a lot to deserve to have a nice attitude for them (4 years of marriage)
after this it really doesn’t make sense to treat someone u just met like u were with them for a long time.
parental guidance- it means that a movie has a low level of adult themes and that in most cultures it suitable for people above the age of 13.
in other words mild, boring and polite.
hi Bobby.
I heard what u said about being oblivious to what people think acting on MY own intentions and talking about i want to talk about. Now i have done this my whole life… and it worked miserably. i was branded a sociopath, gave people the feeling that there stupid by talking about complex subjects i like (math. physics. philosophy). And every time i challenge a person (Women ESPICALLY) they went away asking “what the hell do u want from me”.
Its not that i was ever nice to anyone but myself it just that being me has failed for some reason and i dont know why. PLZ help i really need insight why being said version of a Bad Boy works and being my Core Version of a bad boy fails?
I agree with what you said it make sense…i have been a nice guy and i cannot keep a woman long by being that nice guy.So i am taking time now to be the man who can pick up women.
“Most guys censor themselves when they talk to girls.” I do not censor myself as I do not say dirty or talk dirty. If I ever think of something dirty it is rare. Believe it or not, I get offended when someone calls a woman a pussy, as I believe it to be disrespectful. Do we have to use such words? Because I know I can make fun of a girl without using such language. Until a couple days ago I never knew that making fun of a girl would help get past the friend zone mentality stage.
I agree with you John, I feel it in the same way. What a pity there was no internet when I was a child in order to learn all these things like we’re doing nowadays. Regards!!
Hey…I will surely implement it but…i want to to be a “bad boy” and how would you initiate a conversation with a girl in your college being “bad boy”??
Stick with me.. you’re only on the 4th day. we’ll get there π
If you talk about PG converstaions and rated R switch… What do you mean with it??
Thanks for explaining that nice guys don’t win and that I need to be a bad boy, but it does not say how I do this? I do not know how or what to say to like change this? Any tips would be great?
Your the best Bobby
Well, there’s just one thing I want to share you with: the first time you talk with a girl it is good to seem unavailable and be more of “a bad guy” – so that you can build attraction. But you know what is interesting? – the next day you meet her charm her with your good manners and all that “gentleman” stuff and you will see how f*cking surprised she will be) And then there’s a room for manoeuvre)
Quite interesting
Being mr. nice guy “aka mr. bitch”toatlly killed my chances with some girl.At first I was not easily availiable to her.She was so into me at first.Then later on I started getting too comfortable with her and pretty soon I lost it.I agreed on doing everything HER way,I called her alot,and I tought by acting nice I would win her over.It didnt.After 2 months of being together, she told me she was leaving me.I got uncomfortable when I heard those words out of her mouth.I was like “No,theres still much to do,What is it?I could change” and all that BS.She also told me straight up that she cheated on me like with 2 guys.It’s embarrassing thinking about it now.The Words I will never forget till’ this day: “Your Too Nice”…And I thought about it, yeah it was true.I was too nice and boring for her,thats why she wasn’t getting what she needed.Plus my conversation skills sucked at that time aswell.Ever since, I been working on NOT being a “nice guy” around girls and self development.
Can’t wait until next week. Dude I have tried the bad boy and I end up being a COMPLETE DICK. Can’t wait until next week lesson π I know I can’t skip lesson as much as I want to do so.
I kind of be very nice with my male friends as well and be extra polite with females hardly even say fuck u, bitch, shitty, swine, etc. So much that even if they dump me hundreds of times, insults me over and over again, i again happily join them. Can u suggest me some good steps to get rid of this behaviour?
What “PG” means?
Hey bobby ,I am at work this girl said to me you did not pick up all the material in my basket,so I explained to her that this material,I am leaving it ,because our area do not process this material it goes
In another area,so her and her hair looks at me and smirks,my friends see this expression on my face and say hey man what’s wrong ,I said one of those new clerks tried to be bossy, these girls and their hair always trying to be in my business,the girl said what was wrong with her hair,I said it was greased up into a feather point, I said what is she a parrot,they just laugh at me and shake their heads,because they know I really don’t want to be bothered
,especially the girls with the attitudes and their hair . Women like the edge on a man but I will be dead serious and tell you stay in your lane and what do women do think that’s cute.
Hey bobby
Great stuff just signd up and tried some of your lines the first night got a girl who gave me her #
My biggest issue is being a nice guy I would apriciate if you can give more examples of bad boy vs nice guy can you please elaborate on this topic
Thanks benny
Bobby i think your information is 100% correct. thank you. i am acting on every advice.
bobby u r too good,u ve justed busted ma moral for runs,keep it up!u r three much!
I agree with Traceur. I am OK with other girls, but this one girl, I cannot but be a nice guy — perhaps fear of losing her? Well, time to change! I need to make a lot of adjustments in my behavior, which BTW sometimes is reactionary (knee jerk reaction to what the girl did). Need to take time to act as NMNG (no more Nice Guy). Hard part is to convey you care about her while not giving in to her.
Olrider, PG is movie code for “Parental Guidance”, its for movies that don’t have to much “offensive” subject matter. R rated movies have more offensive language, violence and sexual situations. R rated talk would be sexy flirting, mentioning sex or dropping an occasional curse word. It shows her you’re not a stiff, or a priest. An example of a PG conversaion would be: Q-“Do you like rap music?” A-“Oh yes, I LOVE it”, even if you don’t. R rated would go like this: Q-“Do you like rap music?” A-“Shit No! That shit sucks! I think Jazz is way sexier” -Good Luck
what is “PG”? *feel dumm, but even tried google:/
man , I am getting addicted to your stuff. ‘Losing fear’ and ‘confidence is simply less fear’. A very interesting and new perspective. This new definition of confidence is interesting and insightful.
I love this stuff so far i got everything down packed, its simple, yet complicated, ur a genius Bobby just like Vin DiCarlos and Derek Rake, by next month i should finally figure out how to not just get a lot of women, but ANY women i want, and keep her attracted and interested to me, God has blessed u with great knowledge I intend to implement, and hopefully I become on ur level or better ;)…
Bobby. I find that when I’m just starting out with a girl e.g. initiating a date and going on a date. I play it PG… Only kino would be a greeting and a farewell hug and no sexual talk. Guess that puts me in the friend zone.. or I get hung on the string because I am good looking (sorry not being cocky).
But once I get physically with a girl and she responds positively the very sexual me comes out which I think works well with girls. E.g. with my ex I was always touchy and she loved it.
Q. So my question is should I just start out strong… Like let a girl I take out on a first date know that she has good style and looks ‘sexy’?
Q. ALSO when setting up a date with texting is it recommended to add some sexual connotations as well?
Thanks man! Love your stuff. There is so much stuff on line but yours is superb!
I remembered a couple of months ago, I was always a nice guy to girls and things always ended up with me not getting laid no matter how much effort I put into it. For instance, some girls and I from class would plan to study together, but it was always hard to throw some sexual “words” into the conversations. I realized that I was terrible at taking the conversations to a sexual level so I purchased a book called “How to be the Bad Boy that women love” by Copeland and David which was pretty interested but when I implemented all the skills that I learned from the to real world of how to be a bad boy things got even worse. I persevered to apply all that I learned from the book in order to be a bad boy but I became worse and it didn’t work. But to be honest, I’m starting to get a lil bit better now ever since I started with this program of yours Bobby. Thanks man,
There’s this girl I’ve been going out with for a while and I thought I was getting lucky so I didn’t put a lot of pressure on it and acting like I wasn’t hungry for some even though I wanted to bang her so bad. But when I proceeded to make my move, she looked at me and said,” you’re like my little brother and aint you cute,” and I was like “oh no, maybe I’m doing something bad. Bobby, my question to you is why is it always such a problem for a young guy to bang an older girl?
Hmmm Mr. Nice gut. Mr. Bad guy.. I love th sound of the second.. Basically for now i dont have a girlfriend cuz am kind of facing my studies.. But i think this topic is pushing me to do something extraordinary. Thnks for the hint man.
hmmmmn !!! Interesting .
Am feeling it
i too also act like a pg
Bobby, i need to know how to get girls in my school… i have a friend who can get any girl he wants and he lost his virginity at 12…. in a way, i wana be like him sooo my question is this this…… how can you get a girl in your school, cause im tired of being single. please reply and thanks…. btw im in highschool
yep.i have been trying this bad boy don’t care attitude and it realy works.its a great start.
Yes, you are right. I am a nice guy but I will chance that with your help. thank you.
hey man thankx 4 everythig iΒ΄ve been evolutioning my actitd 4 2 years and been a bad boy sometimes is a natural thing some times i feel like if im a bad one they think other things about my today is the perfec example my im a teacher n today i lil girl (17) was talking about her ex bf n sesual thing like that and another 2 more teacher woman star talking about prostitusion and jokes like that. but i saw them pay some special attencion to my comantaries. the point is i coud not be a bad boy on the moment i was about to but i dont wanna say some crazy thing poping out of my head im workinf thank you 4 everythin. π
Bobby, I read the teasing and banter pdf you wrote.
I wasn’t really expecting much but when I got to your lines about how she is ‘really into me’ and ‘hitting on me’, man I cracked up so bad. That is the funniest stuff I’ve heard. Total madness.
Thanks heaps.
I can’t even remember them so I guess when you call em ‘cheat sheets’ , i guess your saying, ‘remember them by rote’ or actually have ’em in your written down in your pocket. But they are gold.
What would the follow up joke be about?
Something about her sensitivity , or how cruel her friends are?
What are they all laughing at?
Pandoras box here?
(to the target) Do you have a history?…
Help out guys,
are any of these gonna tip her back for the fella?
Man I love this story. So much of what I have lived has come together in reading this.
A Mate of mine saw me negging some girls, and doing really well until the hot one said ,”Wow, you look like my new boyfriend”. I totally AFC’d out. I hesitated, my mind was racing and going nowhere looking for answers(which now I have a million of), I mumbled some junk looking at her expectantly and within a minute she left the group and I never saw her again. She even left her friends to get away!
My friend said l8r. “Man you didn’t reward her.”
I think its called ‘push/pull’ . When you cut her off twice, that’s ‘push/push’. You never hear PUAs mention that method.
My guess is that constant negging on a chick is teasing and banter but it is showing her that you pay attention and you are actually verbalizing your awareness of her to her. This shows you have attention to detail.
Doing this makes you appear intellegent. The sticking point iof mine being the ‘reward’ part or follow the cues reflects that I attatch a lot of my esteem in being able to always have a neg ready.
To much constant attention to detail causes me to lose the bigger picture.
Flirting is a dance and the guy is only one side of the dance.
Can somebody correct me if I’m wrong, cause my inner PUA, is buried deep, but my impression is the technique here boils down to focus. The main focus and stabilizing factor being your lifes purpose and your secondary one being your chick. Should these focus points be apart from following genetic desires and being in love with having the ‘king of my world feeling’ which to me seem like distractions?
I find the closer I am to my lifes purpose, within the view of the bigger picture, the easier it is to treat her like a ‘lovable pest’ . But maybe when I meet the ‘it girl’ in the zone, technique won’t matter any more. Wax on, Wax off grasshopper
after reading this i am going to turn into a bad boy
yo rio im a bad boy but no pussy is at my door stap
“PG” and “R” are references to the movie rating system in the US. Movies rated “PG” (parental guidance suggested) are only mildly naughty. The “R” rating means “Restricted – Those under 17 years of age must be accompanied by a parent”. Obviously those movies dont hold back too much. Still, they are not “X” rated, or “XXX” rated (hardcore pornography).
I understand it in theory but what would be some examples I’ve been the nice guy for soo long now and what would be taking it too far?
i was wondering how do you get lesson #3 cause i didnt get it
don’t be nice be a bad boy wow i never tought of that nice
That is true , I am actually a gentlemen with friends and family as this is who I am and am proud of it , BUT , when im to hitting on chicks ” nice guys finish last’ is very true, and I realised it from reading “The Game” and from first hand EPIC FAILS.,Cheeky and bantering with a smile and a wink work well for me. My blue eyes also give me an edge
Enjoying the reads
Keep’em coming
Thanks man..
if you sense a girl is offended… make another sort of joke to cheer her up… don’t overly appologize…
also, don’t be scared to let a girl know you’re hititng on her… its OK you go for a girl…
I need your opinion on this man..hit me back
I went out last night and tried some lessons of this course…I approached a group of girls and used some opening lines…after they invited me to join them, I started flirting with my target and it kinda worked for a while..sometimes I tried ignoring her focus myself to her friends (like showing her that I’m not hungry and just here to meet new friends) and it kinda worked too and started to draw my attentions to her…the problem is, when I tried to banter her. I told her that (to show that she’s not making sense) “It’s a good thing that you’re really pretty, It hides out all you’re senselessness” and her friends started to laugh so hard that I felt she was offended.. From there on, she never talked to me the whole night..I didn’t try to console or anything coz she might get the impression that I’m hitting on her.So Bobby, my question is, how do you handle this kind of situation?
Anyway, I have to salute you for your lessons even if I didn’t get the girl last night.
I wish i knew all this a year or two ago
I was being high in demand….I deleted her from fb to get her attention and she happen to realize i deleted her…she send me a text “why’d u remove me from fb.. I replied”too many friends on fb “. she didnt seem to reply yet .
pg ‘parental guidance’ means no cussing like shit or fuck. rated r means you’ll talk about her pussy, you the thing between her legs you want to get into and your welcomen.n.b.
I like this bad boy theory. When it comes to me, my biggest problem was REVERTING. I approach a girl, playin the bad boy role and after some days (sometimes even hours), i got back to the mr. nice guy state and the girl, who was hot when we met, starts to lose interest and things begin to go wrong. But now i’m doin my best to take it to the last and offcourse, i believe it works. tnx Bob.
this one is excellent n it works like a bullet.u are great
Hmm, this “nice Guy” issue really hurt me a lot. predictable and boring, got me nothing. now im in my mid-30s, a lil more confident and sure of myself and I stop putting women on a pedestal, though the Rated R switch is something I still have problems with. and sometimes approach anxiety doesnt help either π
however, I think the belief behind the switch is that it doesnt matter what people say or think of you, you just gotta do it and break that obstacle of fear.
Thanks for the advice Bobby ! Holla from Singapore!
I met dis xtremely beautiful lady,i realized that she interested in me so i decided to talk to her but wen i went to her i totaly freaked and couldnt say a word.wat do u think wz da cause.(apart frm fear causse i think av eliminated dat)
I can see the logic, I’m just a bit worried that women will think a) i’m a dick or b) i’m a player and avoid me.
You hit the nail on the head in this one. What I’m referring to is the loss of fear. I’m still working on it, but I realized at one point that “if you can be happy with just yourself and no one else for the rest of your life, then you won’t fear losing just that one girl.” This is what I feel you’re talking about. Not getting caught up in any one girl because you think she’s special and the one. If you are ok by yourself, then you also don’t need anyone to make you better or complete who you are, etc. You get good with yourself first and then any chick is just a bonus. A really good bonus, but also a girl that can lose you if she starts acting unacceptably and you will be fine with going for the next girl that comes along.
I am a chic, that digs chics and one thing I am learning is that it isnt MR Nice guy- its Mr, Mrs- ANYONE who is a push over.
I have always been an nice person, probably nicer than the average- this I thought would make me a valued commodity. IT HASN’T… The laws of supply and demand work here just the same with chics (and Im sure guys too) as they do in business.
Without sounding like a stuck up little bitch (which I am sooooo the opposite of) I am attractive, so I keep getting told- But that is not enough. I have been single for 7 yrs and dated heaps of chics in between, as soon as they hear that I have been single all of that time- THEY FREEZE.
Its like the Restaurant that nobody dines at simply because there is little interest shown by others- OR on the flipside, its that guy (everybody went to school with one) that seemingly nothing special, he’s not hot, he’s not cool, he’s not nice, BUT he has fucked other hot chics at the school and almost as a measuring stick to their worth the other chics would flock to this guy once one of the super hotties touched him- prompting them to wonder-
A. what is it about him? and
B. If he’s on her level than by ‘ cool through affiliation’ by fucking him some kind of status in achived in the group, by drawing comparisons between the Alpha female and the female who is attaempting to fuck the guy good enough to hit the queen bees honey pot.
One thing I have never understood as I woman is why women love to be treated this way, they respond to being injected with doubt and pushed to the side (obviously in subtle ways- not being a complete arsehole) YET when you make them feel secure, cater to their needs, treat them special- they get bored, I am a female and I cannot relate to this, which completely baffles me- but it seems like that is the case w most chics, grrrr such hard work… maybe thats why theyre so nice to be with… the struggle to have them as well makes it worthwhile.
People are strange creatures… I like readin your comments and trying to piece together the best operating manual- without generalising too much that is.
OK… I know I have written a novel this entry BUT:
I need your advice.
I am catching up with an old flame out of the blue… she dumped me, she is a mother… it was short and sweet… but intense, I know that she has thought about me since and I have a lot about her too… I felt it may have been a case of timing as we got on like a house on fire but she had some issues about being classed now as gay if she was with me… as natural as it felt, she cared about what others think… anyway long story short, she contacted me out of the blue the other day and said that she has been thinking about me way too much and that she is sorry for ending something so good… I think she wants a reconciliation but I am not sure, we are having coffee this week and that is it- WHAT I WANT TO KNOW FROM YOU: How do I seem like I am a bit out of reach and make her want me and also see that I am not readily available for just anyone- without alienating her?
I want her to want me, BUT I have to learn from my nice guy ways
I have had a yr to grow and I have, but I want her to see this…ANY IDEAS please Love Guru?
Agreed… its all about downshifting… and “R” is different than “x”…. talking about porn is “x” rated… and should be reserved for much later. R is just getting a little edgier…
I see a lot of wisdom in this area, but I think you have to be careful and read your “mark” (can I say that?). I think this is a more complicated issue than is being laid out here. One thing that I notice about women vs. men is that, while women can be even hornier than men, it takes them a while to get warmed up whereas men are now now now now NOW!!! So I think that slipping into the R rated conversation might be good, I think it might be better to have a PG rated conversation first, but focusing on LOTS OF KINO to heat things up a little and THEN slowly escalating conversationally.
I think it is unwise to open with “hey, I just saw a great porn on the weekend….”.
ya man i completeli agree with you i wouldnt go all out to be a stupid jerk but id go all out with my swagga and be who i am and not kiss the girls ass ….but what i do is i do it in a funny way and it workss ….works like madd ..
I used to be too much of a nice guy a few years ago..but glad I changed 4 good..wish I knew people lik “BOBBY RIO” existed at that time..thanx for the advice man..!!
100% true. In my younger days I was all “G” rated, nit even up to PG. As I got older I found the R rated stuff, not only made the conversation easier, but got the girls giggling, and got them to turn the conversation sexy too!!! Great lesson.
i nid to turn into a bad more mr. nc guy
I use to play “the cocky and funny” role to avoid this “Mr. Nice Guy” behavior… and generally works a lot
I agree 100%! I recently met a woman & she asked me why I was single & I told her I have 1 & a half friends with benefits! (which by the way I do) Nevertheless, she proceeded to ask me out, told me not to be a stranger, etc, etc. In the past I would’ve been a “nice guy” & not mentioned the FWBs. Like you said Bobby, the guy that doesn’t look hungry, always gets fed!
One of my biggest issues is the whole “nice guy” thing, it took a long time for me to get over it. I am better around girls in general now, but I still find myself reverting when I see girls that I find really attractive… It is a start, I guess! π
Ah cheers guys… guesse its time for a change then;). Let’s get some!!;)
Yep Bonzai is right.
Most guys censor themselves when they talk to girls. They are afraid of offending a girl so they stick to PG conversations. Innocent stuff. Friendly stuff. But if you ever been friends with a group of girls then you know they are just as dirty as guys are. They love locker room talk and gossip even more then we do.
PG and R rating is like in the movies.
PG is a kid disney movie
and R rated it violance, bad language en dirty talk π
but thats what a dutchman understands from the ratings
I fully understand this topic, and it actually makes sense, but can anyone explain to me what you mean by pg conversations and rated r ?..not very good at English language
i actually have been wit dis grl 4 2 years nd she recently has been talkin to other guys i dont want to loose her but i realise ive changed into a nice guy wich succs so im gonna keep at ya advise cuzz it is good
Wow, I’ve experienced acting “PG” first hand. Once you start acting like that around a girl, even if by some miracle she is still into you, it becomes impossible to transition into making a move.