Day #16: Deciphering How Much She Really Likes You
Today is real important. Because girls can be hard to read.
Real hard sometimes.
As I mentioned in the email, if you want a “reference guide” that helps you decipher a woman’s interest, you can download Rob’s 88 Ways to Read a Woman’s Mind Report.
But for for the seven signals we tell our students to look out for, Rob and I created this video below:
7 Hidden Signals She Likes (or She Doesn’t)
Make it happen!
Bobby Rio
P.S. Here is another quick tip.
If a woman comes back to your place… She is interested. I can’t tell you how many times I messed this up before I learned this.
I would get a girl back to my place. I’d be sitting on the couch for HOURS talking to her. And the night would end without me even getting the kiss.
Don’t make the same mistake I did.
If you struggle to get that first kiss. I got you covered. On day 24 I reveal some secrets that made it ridiculously easy to get the kiss.
Previous Lesson: Day 15
{ 55 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey Bobby,
Thank you for sharing all the free information! I read every bit, and I bought two programs. Litteraly I used to stumble and blow it on every first date. Theyd go from thinking im a badass, to not responding in 3 days. Dates always went well(i thought) I had them laughing and sharing info… But I never brought that sexual part into it. Im only on day 14 of this and ive picked up a SOLID 9.5 woman of my dreams and she is CRAZZZZY for me. Thanks so much bro! Its nice to be chased for once.
I’ve been in the company of some really hot women lately. One has 3 kids so I invited her and her kids to have dinner with me and my son. She agreed and I found it a bit awkward but a start. She is 35 and I am 59. Makes me wonder if I should take it to the next level.
And, I met this super hot blond just two days ago and the first thing she asked was for my phone number.
I’m recently divorced and seem to miss some obvious signs. How long should I wait to contact these hotties? And how much work should one put into working younger women?
Man I could have used this last night. this girl i have been seeing the last few days came over last night. She asked me if i was a player. I think i answered the way you wanted me to then after said i wasnt. she still spent the night and though we didnt have sex it went about as far as it could before that. she said she didnt want to have sex but she said we will eventully. she just left ten mins ago. am i in trouble or am i ok? how should i play this out
I know bobby said that making your intent known was important B.D.. So That’s what I been doing. Just flirting like heck with her. And talking to other girls….”Crowd control” maybe? She calls and texts me now. As a “friend”, but she’s considering or she wouldn’t talk. Stuff takes time. Maybe that will help.
Sneak a kiss in on her.. my problem girl liked it ; ). Then told me we were just friends lol. Not for long. Ima get er
B.D.!! Same here! Sucks. Idk. Adapt and overcome! It’s definetly tough. Don’t waste your time though. but GIve it to ‘er good if you get the chance next and maybe that’ll help lol.
I meant Lew…
Similar issue to Lee, age, etc. Used a lot of the techniques to get her to go out, kiss, make out, numerous times and was green lighted so many times that it has been like Charlie Brown and Lucy’s football play. But I never can get her beyond that without an ultimate dodge of some kind right when it counts. This has periodically gone on after months and years off and on. I give up, run into her some time later, am invited back and rinse and repeat, even with flirting, clear innuendo and invitation. I’ve found it so bizarre I finally just asked her what her deal was. She claims she’s afraid if she goes further she will fall in love and that all I want is sex, yet time after time we do the same thing and I’m sure this is an excuse. She’s very attractive and can attract anyone she wants, does date others, but claims otherwise; so I’ve concluded this is actually extreme friend zoning exacerbated by over supply. I’d still like to beat her at this game as I think that is what it is and she would succumb nonetheless. Any ideas?
My conversation game just got %200 better, I had the best, sweatyest, kinkyest NewYear of my freaking life… and Miss wright now, could be a California 8, thanks & best wishes all the way from Mexico guys!
Bought Unlock her legs a few weeks ago. Was able to see where I went wrong. Only gripe is no one answers the forum questions. Enough people should be able to give advice by now and be able to help or why have it. Some people have situations that the course can’t cover how to adapt and apply to them. Rob, Bobby or seasoned vets help if you can. Thanks for the solid advice.
if the girl already knows me she isn’t going to ask if I have a girlfriend. Again not any help and no way to get my money back!
I’d rather be a player not a pussy.
Totally off topic, but what can you do when you’re faced with a girl that you have a very short window of interaction with; for example, the cute cashier at the store, or barrista making your coffee? I want to flirt with these girls, and use some of the techniques you’ve taught me, but what can you say in 30 seconds?
Over the past few weeks Bobby has been talking about examples concerning that playful care free guy who exuberates fun. All you need to know about the type of guy you want to emulate is Tom Hank’s character in the movie “Bachelor Party!” Hollywood script writers do one thing well before big projects in that they formulate psychological character profiles from experts in the field of psychology or they write it up from experience or from a person they know from real life. If you notice Hank’s character he drives a bus for a living, lives in a “dump apartment” and on the surface is a loser, but is on the verge of marrying a beautiful women from a wealthy family Know why? because he is FUN he is FLIRTATIOUS and he is a NOVELTY and he TAKES A GIRL AWAY FROM THE REALITY OF EVERYDAY LIFE. Go out and rent this movie it contains a great example of all that is being emphasized on here!
I’m sixty, divorced after 27 years of marriage and was in a great relationship with a woman afterwards. After 14 months we broke up …my fault; she said that I did not respect our relationship and did not put her on a pedastal as she had done for me. We’ve been apart (in the friend zone) for six months and I cannot get her out of my head. Call it what you will, but I still love the girl. She’s smart, intuitive, and just a wonderful woman. The problem is she just wants to be friends, and I would like to re-kindle the realtionship, but I just don’t know how to reach her, to get it out of the friend zone. We talk ocasionally, go on walks, but no dates. Most of my friends say move on, but I just feel that deeply that I want her back badly. Got any advice for an old man?
always better if a girl thinks you’re a player.. then if she thinks you’re “nice”
Sounds like you have a best friend w/ benefits. Not a bad thing, if you can get over putting her on a pedestal. I know, easier said than done… trust me. In between your time on-and-off with her, are you getting involved with other women? Best thing to do, make it known on facebook that you are and she’ll catch wind and get jealous and view you as something to chase, which is getting her right where you want to get her.
Everybody knows it’s impossible to get out of the friend zone. I hope you’re serious. (And I hope you make a lot of money if it works.)
i texted a this older woman and told her she’s doing something right if she has younger a man that like her she responded back, really! No cougar here… keep smilin
Hey Bobby. Great stuff, thanks alot. A girl who I have known for a little told her friend I am a player…is this good or bad for me? I want the girl who made the statement not the friend though haha thanks
meat this girl in the club .she was with a guy ,but for some reason looked like they wore only friends she told me three times were she work and what days shes there .Finally i want to the restaurant that she work as a bartender, 8 days later, with my two daughters after movies ,she was pleasantly surprised to see me and few seconds letter introduce her to my daughters we eat . Wan leaving i sad good by she reach over the bar and i shake her hand but it was more like holding it for surprisingly long time maybe 7-8 sec .sounds like nothing but seam like good time .Want next door to get ice cream. Walking out some older woman tripped and fell on the sidewalk i turned around and help her up, wan i look up i see the girl i met standing two steps from me hawing a small work break,i walk towards her ,it was on my way anyway. she reach sad good by again and reach towards me for good by kiss . after that i walk away with my daughters not looking back . Is just a threw story but Bobby gives me a idea that something here is possible and sometimes there is more than coincidents and is good to know how to go about it .PS im not some kind of pervert ,im raising my kids by my self .
REGARDZ. thanks for guiding
Please tell me if i have girl friends . Should i admit to any girl or say
You are
the only one ?
You can’t get everything for free in this world Orhan, no matter whether you are lord of a city.
As days are going by…comments are getting lesser and lesser….
maybe its free thats why people are not interested in this incredibly valuable information
If you really need more, then PAY for it! You don’t expect to get everything for free, do you?
ive brought so many girls to my house…. and did nothing….. thanks bobby ill remember that
hey bobby thanks for the day-16 tips . I have just got in my mind that there are a lot bunch of girls that show these very 3 traits
.so thanks for that but i have a problem.
I don’t have any facebook account and i don’t want any cause facebook is kind a frustrating :@ . So ,if u can provide that cheat and banter sheet somehow then would love u for that
Hey Bobby, give some tips about the escalations. thank you.
Big fan of this 31 day challenge (first thing I do when I wake up is read your email) but I read it via my iPhone and I wish those flash videos were iPhone comparable
Lmao. Bobby I had a similar experience when I brought a girl back to the house all we do is talk talk talk. Until I brought her to my room latex her on my bed then started sucking on her neck till she pushed me away a lil bit but I think she did that not to get a hicky. Then I got off her then continued talking. But deep down I known I should of continued doing something sexual
ingenius just ingenius
He’s talking about when a girl goes out of her way to let you know she was NOT with a boyfriend.
She’s basically letting you know she’s single
i am trying to understand what lou said, but i don’t understand it because i feel like i’m reading just half of what he’s saying. Someone help me?
Bobby please answer this question. I have the EXACT same problem!
Sometimes i think it’s the hours of talking on the phone might be the problem, but that seems to be the effort i have to put in to get her into the sack. We have such awesome fun teasing conversations about everything, awesome sex, awesome fun going out, then 3-6 months of NOTHING! Then one of us will call the other and “it’s back on” This has been going on for 11 years. WTH?
bobby am scared couse those 3 things i had guys doing not girls
what does that mean?
Well iv been reading all these so far and they have been helping me out a lot. I actually got this really beautiful girl iv been texting a lot to lately. She even is going to try to come over tomorrow and she was saying that if the day goes well she will stay the night and if the night goes well we will most likely go out. I thank you for all your help. If it wasn’t for you I would have never been able to even talk to this woman. Thank you so much.
Oh, I forgot to add, when she asked, ‘RU single?’ it was in the middle of the party. But I already knew she was hitched by this stage. But if a single chick does this do you isolate her? Do you say you’re single, ‘it’s complicated’ ?, avoid the question?or just party pash her?
Thanks again guys
hey Bobbie,
I dropped sexual jokes(in honour of our little group here.haha)
I echo the thoughts of most here saying thanks again for the tuition.
I don’t get to read your classes everyday because of commitments but on days like today I catch up a few tutes at a time.
Todays lesson is excactly my story from the weekend.
I live in a small tourist town.
It has it’s perks. But the best chicks to date are the locals. Some are simply cosmic.
And on the weekend one hitched herself to me.
It all went smooth as a babys bum. She was initiating little adventures for us and assigning our ‘roles’ . I just played along and took our fantasy team ‘roles’ up to the next ridiculously successful level at every turn. Numerous times she held her mouth and said ‘ Oh shit, I haven’t laughed so much, my face is hurting’
I referenced the ‘characteristics’ that I had invented for her earlier that had got the biggest laughs for more laughs and the high value of intelegence (Which she loved, I could tell:)). But then she dropped the ‘… partner and me’ line.
We were at a festival and she knew everybody there and I am the new guy in the scene. It was an industry party and I’m just becoming a friendly face and attempting to get established on the scene.
As soon as I hear that ‘partner’ line, I don’t change my game, but I am thinking, ‘well, does she have hot friends?’
I didn’t even think that I could be sabotaging my biznes plans which I was definitely doing by being ‘seen’ snaking some dudes girl.
What had started happening, as we cruised about, bumping into all her friends, is that they started asking her ‘Are you and Steve still together?’ .Then they’d look at me. I shrug my shoulders as if, ‘ Don’t ask me’. until one time, I twigged how bad this was looking for me as she answered ‘Well… no, and yes”. The inquirer looks at me and I say TO HIM, ‘ That a YES!”
She seemed oblivious to how this could affect me, being seen as a poacher. I mean, Bobby, or anyone out there, have you been in this position? I’m sure you have.
Are my concerns valid?
How do I re-affirm to these associates that I am a ‘loyal, respecting and trustworthy’ guy? I mean to say, fair enough, go poach girls if you can, but you don’t go after your mates girl or even his ex-girl(if it’s recent). Least I don’t, and these guys will be my ‘mates’ if I all goes well with my biz.
Should I have told her there is ‘no chance’ we could get together?
I’m sure I could have played this better.
So Bobby I’m sure you have been in a similar position.
Can you please give me a perspective on this?
As I imagine a good quality ‘long termer’ could come from this circle and some good biz contacts are definitely here too. So I will read everything and study a bit but after a day like this, I may have some damage control work to do.
I don’t like hitting on other guys chicks, especially in their own backyard, , unless the guy’s a dick of course!
I’m happy to wait for the single ones or the ones down here on holidays
or ‘the one’ whichever way.
Please can you guys offer a perspective on this or relate a similar story and how it turned out?
Thanks for reading this ‘novela’:) Cheers guys
Happy days to yas
hey bobby…i wanna say i really want to buy one of your products but i have probleme with this because my country isn’t in the liste …can you help me to find another way to buy it !!!
Bobby: I really appreciate these E-mails and they have already helped. I am trying to get out of the friend zone with this girl I have known for years. We have an on again off again relationship and we always seem to stay in touch, but I must be making the same mistakes that keep me in the friend zone. We get along fantastic and when we get together we talk for hours and it never gets old. It drives me crazy when all of a sudden it stops for a time and then starts up again later. What am I doing wrong ?
wuhs up bobby?. . i have a question. . i been talkin to this girl for about a week and a half. . i kno she’s interested, but when she comes over i never make a move because she doesnt give me any signals that i should. i really like her so im not tryna rush it but i cant help but wantin to kiss her. what should i do?
thank for your advice. I met a girl at my work place she seem to be interested but every time i approached her,she feel very uncomfortable and when i tell her my feeling she insult me and ran away. what kind of approach should i make
God bless you 4 offerring these advice to me for free.I want to ask a question I have met a nice girl and Iheilped her to even look 4 her index # during an exam(that is the only moment I got to speak to her, she was shocked I knew her no and came 4 explanations and since then she has caught me looking at her several times but I dont know how to aproach girls in general so please from this advice me on how to start something wiyh this girl.
Good one. Very true.
Along with #2 signal, a girl can indicate you she’s alone when she tells you: “I went for a movie last night” and she says, even when you do not ask for, “I went with my friend Mary” or “my cousin Ann”.
ok, seems like the right time to have input. i work with a gal, i am told she has a boyfriend but she is playfully flirting with me because I am giving her attention, fly bys, a minute or two a day. then out of no where she passes by me on the way to her station and says “you are so sweet, I should cook you breakfast” certainly an easy call to accept , except she has two teenage daughters, who she protects like a watchdog. I would like this to be longterm so I do not want to screw this up, which I may have already done by not getting tangled up with her already, thoughts or comments
Hey Bob,
There is this girl that I REALLY LIKE, but I don’t know how to approach her. This has been going on for 17 months.
Well It’s not “Orphan” just Orhan ok. means the lord of the city! and i complain because I NEED MORE!
Orphan… no offense, but people like you annoy me. You’ve got 31 days of free information. I’ve included multiple free PDF, videos, and audio. And that’s still not enough for you. Some people want to go further and learn more. So I offer programs for those people.
Hey Rio,
Why do you route me to buy something about the seduction things everytime? is it too difficult to share as being free the things you knew or experienced? Confused…
hey we actually have a 2 part lesson on getting out of the friend zone coming up very soon.
do you have en email address where I can send you specific questions related to a certain case Im facing right now.
You know all types are not the same so it would help if I could give you a more detailed picture and get your advice. This one is very specific to being knee deep in the friend zone.
Hey Bobby
what if a woman says you are confusing based on the text messages Ive sent to questions shes asked.
Of course it has a very complicated background as to why and what she asked but in general is it a good or bad thing?
A small hint about her she last had a boyfriend who she tried hard to stick with for 5 years but the pot smoking rowdy couldnt clean up his act but she still believes he was the love of her life.
There have been a bunch of times that I’ve had girls ask me who I lived with and I did not pick up on it as a sign at all! Thanks Bobby