How To Make 2020 The Best Year Of Your Life
It?s that time of year when we start making resolutions and plans for the best 12 months ever. How does that normally go for you?
If you?re anything like the average dude, the year begins with the best of intentions, only to slowly descend into the same pattern as before.??
Of course, there?s nothing wrong with making no positive changes to your life, if you?re happy where you are.?
Yet, if you?re the guy who is endlessly frustrated with his lack of progress in life, it?s time to change how you go about making improvements.?
It?s great to make start-of-year pledges to try and improve yourself, but without the right tools and methods, these promises will eventually crumble??
It?s like building a house with no cement to hold the bricks together. Eventually, the world will deliver a storm that?s too powerful to fight against, and everything will fall apart.?
The step-by-step guide below aims to provide a method to help your self-improvement plans stick throughout 2020 and beyond.?
This guide will primarily focus on meeting your dating and relationship goals. However, these steps can be used to help you level up in your career, social life, health or any other area of your life.
These don?t have to be New Year?s resolutions. If you?re reading this in the middle of the summer, grab and pen and paper NOW.?
When you have something to aim for that?s written down and therefore tangible, it?s much easier to stay on that path without distraction.?
To set the most meaningful goals, ask yourself the following question: ?What are five things I would do if I weren?t afraid??
This question helps you set super-ambitious goals, and this is a great idea. It?s widely suggested that big ambitions help you achieve more than you otherwise would have done.?
You need to be in no doubt as to why you set these goals. This ?why? needs to be powerful enough to keep you pushing forward when the going gets tough, so take your time to gain a solid impression of it. Remind yourself of your ?why? when you feel like giving up.
The main reason people do give up is because their ?why? wasn?t strong enough.???
It might seem too negative for your ?why? to be about not feeling how you do right now, but actually these can actually be really helpful. After all, pain is one of the most powerful motivators.??
It?s one thing to believe that all humans are cut from the same cloth, and that you can achieve whatever has already been completed by someone else.?
It?s even more powerful to find someone from a similar background who has achieved your dreams.??
This will do a lot to help you believe it?s possible for you to do the same, especially when you follow the next step.?
Most experts in any field have written a book, started a YouTube channel or launched a blog showing you exactly how they did it.
Some of these so-called ?experts? are absolute frauds, especially in the pick-up industry, so it?s important to find an inspiration who you trust.?
Once you have, follow their instructions! Take the same steps as them with unwavering faith that it?ll work. Put in more effort than they did to make these dreams come true. You don?t need to reinvent the wheel to be successful.??
Procrastination has killed more dreams than any other flaw.?
Stop telling yourself ?you?ll do it when XYZ?. There will always be reasons not to start a difficult challenge. Find a way around these obstacles before it really is too late. The obstacles in the future could be even harder to overcome.?
The only perfect time to get started is TODAY. Sure, you won?t initially be perfect, but there is a great power in getting the wheels rolling.?
Once you start, don?t stop. Even if you?re only taking baby steps towards your goal, do SOMETHING every day. This develops the power of habit within you, which will make it far easier to keep striding towards your goal, even when you don?t feel like it. It also creates momentum, which is so powerful when it comes to helping you improve your skills quicker.?
You almost certainly won?t be perfect when you get started. That?s the price of entry when it comes to practicing and learning a new skill.?
Nevertheless, the fastest way to improve is to try, fail and learn from your mistakes.?
A good exercise is to write down a debrief. In the pick-up industry, these are called field reports.? The most basic of debriefs should contain:?
Both of these sections will motivate you to keep working towards your goal again and again. How quickly do you think you?d improve if you did this every day??
This is the single best move you can make to skyrocket yourself towards your goals, yet so few people choose to take this step.
Tiger Woods has a coach for his swing. Lebron James has a coach for every element of basketball. Yet, most of the average Joes out there believe they can reach mastery alone.
The fact is: hiring an experienced coach is the single greatest move you can make to skyrocket yourself towards the life you always dreamed of.?
Sure, they?re expensive. Yet, if you reach your goals, it?s likely you?ll be earning more than enough extra cash to justify the expense.?
Maybe your chosen expert offers one-on-one mentorship programs? If you can afford this, I couldn?t recommend it enough.?
Not only will this person hold you accountable to your goals, they?ll point out all your mistakes and correct them for you. There?ll be no need to waste time ?experimenting? to discover what?s going wrong.???
Good luck implementing this structure and Happy New Year!
About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>