How To Get A Girl To Text You Back

It can be frustrating having your text messages ignored, but there are ways to turn it around

Every guy knows the frustration…

You meet a beautiful woman, hit it off, exchange contact details, maybe even text for a while, then suddenly…nothing.

Radio silence.

Your last text completely ignored.

It’s even worse in the modern day, as most messaging apps will show you that she read the message.

Perhaps you feel the urge to reach out again, but you’re worried that double-texting will make you look too needy.

This is true in many cases, and it’ll usually make her even less likely to respond to you.

However, there are steps you can take in this situation to increase the odds of getting a text back.

Below, we outline three intelligent moves you can make to reignite the conversation.

Use social media to prevent flakes

If you’re not using social media to communicate with women you’re trying to date, you’re making life so much harder for yourself.

Our guide on using Instagram to get girls?explains all the benefits of doing this, but the main advantage is how it can motivate girls to stay in touch with you.

For starters, it eliminates one of the main reasons a woman will decide to flake on you; the fact she doesn’t know you that well. After all, if you’re a reasonably active social media user, she’ll be able to learn about all the awesome aspects of your life.

But it goes deeper…

If a woman decides to flake on you, then spots you on Instagram having an awesome time without her, you’ll be amazed how often she’ll get back in touch.

This is especially common if you’re out having fun with other hotties. There’s almost nothing stronger than social proof from beautiful women?to help other girls decide you’re actually worth dating.

So, whenever you’re out having fun, take a few seconds to create an Instagram story. It’ll pay huge dividends in your dating life.

This is the #1 tip because when you’re out enjoying an active social life, you’re less likely to notice or care whether a particular woman texts you back. Ironically, this is the situation where women are most likely to get back in contact, especially if you’re documenting your awesome life for them to see on social media.

Send a ‘ping’ text

A ‘ping’ text is a fun message which doesn’t need a reply.

Essentially, you’re sharing something you think the woman will find interesting, without asking her any questions.

Here are some examples:

“Just tried a vegan full English breakfast. Literally the worst thing that’s ever been in my mouth.

“Just bought tickets to see that weird hipster band you mentioned. Should be wild x”

“Some elderly grandma just queue-jumped in front of me to buy vodka . East London is crazy.”

Ping texts work best if they’re related to her personality or your previous interactions, so these messages would work well for a vegan hipster girl living in East London. If it’s a ‘one-size-fits-all’ message, such as a joke about current events or the latest viral meme, she’s less likely to be moved enough to reply.

The great thing about this type of message is that you can send more than one without her replying, and it doesn’t come across as needy. After all, you don’t need?an answer. You’re just sharing a quick anecdote.

It’s a good strategy to start off or reignite all conversations with a ping text. Even if she only replies with ‘hahaha’, the conversation has reignited and you can move it forward accordingly.

(Tip: Instagram and Snapchat stories perform the same role as ‘ping’ texts. After all, you’re sharing entertaining content, without asking a specific person to reply to you. The main difference is you’re sending them to all of your followers. If you consistently post entertaining stories, don’t be surprised when women reply to them out of the blue.)

Call her out for not replying, using humor

The third option is to joke about her not replying to you.

You can perhaps make a fun assumption about what led her to ignore your text.

“I’m guessing there’s no phone signal on the vegan farm 😉 ”

“I’m assuming you’ve been kidnapped by your bandmates after the gig. Should I send a search party?”

There’s plenty of ‘didn’t text back’ memes that can work well too. Humor is key, otherwise you just come across as salty.

This strategy only really works well once it’s been made clear that you’re both into each other, perhaps after a couple of dates.

The best way to solve all your ‘text game’ problems

The #1 factor determining whether a woman is likely to text you back is: her attraction for you. No amount of ‘text game’ can replace this.

At the same time, if a woman is really into you, it’s easy to get her out on a date even if you’re a shitty texter.

So, if a lot of women are ignoring your messages, it’s often better to address the cause rather than the problem.

The three tips above are extremely useful for reigniting text conversations, but if you can learn how to build attraction quickly?when meeting women – or to create a stronger online dating profile?- you’ll be less likely to need them.


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>

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