Guest Post By My Friend Sara: The Problem With Guys with Too Many Girl Friends
So last week I wrote about the issue with girls with too many male friends.
I mentioned that if I were a girl I wouldn’t trust a guy with too many female friends either. This of course caused a ruckus among my friends because 95% of my friends are girls.
My friend Sara(who is hot and too smart to sleep with me) read the post and ranted at me that she wanted to write a post on why a guy is “bad news” if he has too many girl friends.
She also claimed I was too biased to write such an article because I’d spend half the time defending my own behavior. Which is probably true.
I believe this is the first guest post by a girl on my blog.
Take it away Sara:
Why I would never date Jon, or a guy who has mostly female friends.
I’ve known Jon or “Sinn” for almost two years at this point. And while I really love him as a friend, I would NEVER date him. It’s not because of the “Pickup Artist” stuff either.
It’s because he ONLY hangs out with girls. I’m dead serious when I say that in the entire time I’ve known him, I’ve seen him with guys twice.
Every time I meet up with him for a drink or go to the same parties, I know he’s going to have his little blondtourage with him. And that’s fine because we’re just friends. But if we were dating, it would be a real issue.
I honestly think that the girls he dates just ignore the obvious evidence. If a guy is ALWAYS hanging out with other girls who he says are “just friends” that’s a huge red flag in a relationship. His last GF who I won’t name cause he’ll just edit her name out (Jon’s Note: Would Not) knows the girl he slept with after they broke up pretty well.
She’s had dinner with her a bunch of times and while Jon claims he never cheated, he always has “friends” who he ends up sleeping with after break-ups (Jon’s note: Or when I’m bored.)
This is typical of ALL men with a lot of female friends. To be fair to Jon he does have a decent amount of female friends that he is just friends with. Some of them are married, others are in relationships and his best friend is a lesbian.
But the main problem with dating a guy with lots of girl friends is that you don’t know which is which. I know that there is nothing going on with Jon’s main 3 BFFs Kelly, Raine and Carrie. But I also hear rumors every other week about Jon and this girl or that girl in our group.
Girls who “date” him hear the exact same rumors they just choose to ignore them or they fall for Jon’s technicalities that since they’re not really exclusive or “together” he can sleep with other girls as well and she can’t get mad.
It’s just not trustworthy. If you’re in a relationship, why do you need attention from all these other women? Jon would say that he gets along better with girls than guys and that’s sort of true. But he’s ignoring the fact that he’s WAY more interested and interesting when he talks to girls.
If he put the same effort into meeting and being friends with guys he’d have a big group of guy friends. By holding on to this group of female friends he’s basically keeping one foot out of the relationship.
Ultimately having a big group of female friends as a guy will undermine your relationship and lead to a situation where you have to choose your friends or your girlfriends.
The main reason I would never date Jon is that I know he’ll choose his friends over a GF every single time.
Thanks Sara!
While I’m recovering from having Sara strum my pain on her fingers, I do have to agree with most of what she said. If I was a girl there is 0% chance I’d be ok with the amount of girls I hang out with.
She’s also definitely right about the one foot out thing as I am aware of what girls I’m friends with like me even when I’m in a relationship and I do flirt.
So yeah.
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About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.