How To Boost Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the first step to getting girls

Without self-esteem, even the slickest seduction tricks will be useless.

A woman will be able to tell if you deserve her by reading your behavior, body language and voice tonality.

It?s so difficult to fake. The self always shines through in the end.

This fact explains why a lot of guys slay with women without having ever read a word of dating advice. These guys believe they deserve beautiful women – and this shines through when they approach them. It?s an incredibly attractive trait.

On the other hand, if a woman senses a lack of self-belief, this can kill any attraction she may have initially felt.

She?ll never want to date someone who sees themselves as below her.

Sadly, there are plenty of men who have had their self-esteem shattered, perhaps by parents, peers or a bad relationship.

Below is a list of five exercises to help you discover your inner awesomeness, feel better about yourself and become the naturally confident dude that women love.

#1 Grab a pen and write 50 reasons why you?re awesome

Fifty might sound like a lot. It?s supposed to. This exercise is designed to encourage deep thought about your awesomeness.

Include physical attributes, personality traits and previous achievements. If you?re currently working on improving something about your life, add that too!

After all, most people aren?t trying to improve themselves at all.

Once you?re done, you have a list of 50 reasons why that hottie will welcome your approach.

Read it regularly if you want to – but the fact you even completed this task should give you a self-esteem boost.

#2 Know the values you want to live by

Write a list of personal values that you deem important, then start living life according to these values.

What are the words that you wish people would describe as? Kind? Hard-working? Selfless? Adventurous? ?You can become all of these things today, simply by changing your behaviors.

Not everyone may agree with the importance of your values, but your self-esteem should never be based on other people?s opinions. ?

Living life according to what you think is important should be more than enough for you to feel great about yourself. ?

#3 Have a purpose you?re working towards

When you?re have a passion that you?re taking steps towards achieving, this can feel so empowering.

It makes you feel purposeful, as if there?s a good reason for you being on this planet.

What?s more, as you move closer to your goal, your skills will improve. Witnessing this can be extremely gratifying.

#4 Focus on the actions, not the results.

The Bhagavad Gita says we?re entitled to our actions, but not the fruits. This is true in all areas of life.

In most cases, you can never guarantee success, so why base your self-esteem from it?

This is especially the case when approaching attractive women. After all, you can only ever control 50% of the interaction.

There?s every chance she won?t like your approach, no matter what you do, but does that mean you were wrong to shoot your shot? Of course not! You were attracted to her, so the right thing to do was to find out if the feeling was mutual?

Learn to gain self-esteem by making the right decisions and doing your best in any given situation.

#5 Surround yourself with people who empower you

There?s a reason why game seems easier with a wingman.

Most tasks are easier when you?ve got a great team supporting you. That?s why it?s so important to surround yourself with supportive friends.

Don?t just do this in the field. Do it in your everyday life.

People who drain your confidence are not your friends. Either stand up to them or (even better) stop hanging out.

True friends will support any positive steps you?re taking in life.

Bonus TIP: Approach her anyway!

If you?re not feeling ?good enough? to speak to a specific woman, go and do it anyway!

I have never worse about myself after a rejection than I have after pussying out.

If she doesn?t want to take things further, she?s not rejecting you, she?s rejecting your approach. She can?t be rejecting you as a person because she barely knows you, so there?s no reason to let her reaction affect your self-esteem.

As mentioned before, you should be proud you took the right action, especially when cold-approaching girls because who else would have the balls to do that?

Also, the more you approach, the better you get at the technical aspects of game. Things like how to stop her, calibrating to her reactions, strong body language, overcoming objections etc. This stuff matters too.

Once you?ve learned to kill your ego, it?s only a win once you?ve approached her. Don?t forget that.

Change your life today by following these tips

The best thing about all of these actions is that you can start then all today.

The result is you?ll gain the type of self-love that emanates off you in all social situations.

Women are so attracted to this energy that it?ll make running game so much easier.


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>

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