Huge Mistake 99% of Guys Make That Turns Women Off

How Trying to Impress Her Can Backfire

Let?s to start by saying this?

?If you are trying to impress a girl by buying her expensive shit?

?Taking her out to a fancy restaurant?

?Making extravagant gestures like huge rose bouquets at her job?


A lot of guys think that women are attracted to a guy who has money?


I mean what?s not to like?

?If a guy has money then it shows he is successful, he can provide for her, and can also give her the finer things in life?

Now, none of these things are necessarily wrong?

?It?s just that most women, are not interested in your money?


?The women who go for a guy because of his money, are not the women you want in your life?

They will suck you dry?and I don?t mean in a good way?

There is something about men with money that does make women fall in love however?

?but it?s not what you think?




What women ACTUALLY think about a guy with money??!!

Unless this girl is a gold digger, a guy who is extremely wealthy or even makes more money than she does?

?is going to intimidate her a little bit?

Any self-respecting woman wants to feel significant?

?If a guy is throwing money around all the time it could make her feel nervous if she can?t do the same?

Women now a days are conscious of the gold digger stereotype and no one wants to be that girl?

If we?re spending money in hopes that she is going to be impressed by it, WE NEED TO JUST NOT?

?just don?t?

Not only are we making her uncomfortable, but if we ain?t got it like that then we?re sending the wrong message?

We don?t want to go broke trying to impress a woman?

?If we set a standard that we can?t maintain then sooner or later?

?We?re going to end up looking dumb?


Women want to feel valued?

?Not just valued like they deserve nice stuff?

?Valued for who they are as a person and valued for their mind?

?If she thinks that we see her as some dumb chick who can just be won over because we flash some greenbacks?

?She?s going to take pleasure in shitting all over us?


There is one thing that guys with money have that women go crazy for?

?You ready?…


!!!Women like money but they fall in love with ambition!!!

The guy with money has one thing going for him?

?He?s proven that HE IS A GO GETTER?

Even better than trying to impress a girl with money, we impress her with our drive?


Here?s why it works?


For the guy who pays for everything because he?s ballin?

?shit comes easy?

?He?s already done the work so now he doesn?t have to work as hard?

?She sees it as, HE WONT WORK AS HARD FOR HER?

?He is going to be lazy when it comes to her feelings?

On the other hand, the guy with ambition, drive, and desire is going to take care of business.

In addition to that, women love the idea of an adventure?

?and once we?ve built the attraction, our desire becomes the journey that she will want to take with us.

Being motivated and driven shows her that regardless of what we have right now?

?We are no satiated and we are still hungry for more in our lives and our relationships.


How to apply this concept?

Don?t ride on your laurels…

If we?ve accomplished a lot in life, own a successful business or whatever?

?We don?t want to waste her time talking about the shit we?ve already done?

?Honestly, nobody cares because she wasn?t there for that shit and she?ll never get to take part in it?


We want to tell her about our ambitions and ask her about hers?

?This will create even more attraction because she will want to see where we can take her?

?I don?t mean like to Disney Land?

?I mean where we can take her in life?

?If she gets on board this ship with us, is it going to sit in the harbor for the rest of her life and be boring as fuck?…

Or is it going to sail the oceans of the world and experience amazing shit?…

?Which one do you think she wants to be a part of?



Let?s say we?re in a position where we don?t have much going for us?

?We don?t have a rich history of accomplishments to tell her about?


?At least we don?t have to worry about boring her with stories of how awesome we think we are?

We still want to handle it the same way?

This works even better because it displays confidence and Bearing.

Bearing is a solid sense of purpose, direction and drive that cannot be shaken.

By focusing on where we are going DESPITE the fact that we haven?t done much yet, shows that we trust in ourselves more than anything else?

?And she should trust in us as well?

Paint a picture of the future you want and invite her on the journey?

?Some shit in this world money just can?t explain?


Pro tips!

  • Find balance when it comes to spending money on her. Like we said in the beginning, we don?t want to send the wrong message. At the same time, we also don?t want to come across as a bum or make the impression that we think she?s a bum. We don?t have to spend a bunch of money to make her feel special. Spend money where it counts and don?t when it doesn?t. For example, we don?t need to pick her up in a limo and take her to the Ritz Carlton…But McDonalds will not do either.

Keep cookin fellas,

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About Van Bender Van Bender is a writer and coach specializing in becoming the alpha, the art of attraction and hacking the friendzone. Check out my website and subscribe for exclusive content

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