You Can’t Learn From “Naturals”
Looks like I lit a match with the Fat guy post so here’s some more gas to throw on it.
The community is OBSESSED with the idea of “Naturals” these magical creatures that are good with women despite NEVER having studied or learned our tactics and techniques.
Seriously do a google search for Puas and naturals it’s kinda crazy.
But here’s the rub, you can’t really learn from naturals because they don’t know what they’re doing that makes them successful, and they don’t understand a guy who is unsuccessful with women’s thoughts, fears and neurosises, which is why they give terrible advice like “Be yourself” or “Tell them what they want to hear” or my personal favorite ” The key is to talk to girls like they’re a piece of shit.”
It’d be like asking Lebron James to explain how he drives the lane in an NBA game, he’d say something like ” I grab the rebound, dribble down the court as quick as possible, jump, have 2-3 guys bounce off me then I lay it up.”
It’s an accurate representation of what’s happening, but it’s not gonna help someone who is 5-9, and white.
Which is exactly why “Naturals” can’t help you, because you’re not like them. I always laugh when guys say they’ve become “Naturals”.
No you didn’t.
You know why?
Because you still had to learn this stuff even if you now get success and it feels like you aren’t doing anything ( I admit I totally was guilty of this for awhile)
It’s like that scene in the Social Network when Zuckerburg says something like “If you invented Facebook you would have invented Facebook.”
If you were a Natural you wouldn’t be in the community unless you’re a weirdo like Zan who needs validation and worshippers.
Get over the Natural thing guys it’s not helping you.
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About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.