How Watching Porn Gets You Laid…Or Doesn’t (Part 2)

How I Used Porn To Have Amazing Sex and a Threesome

OK so if you didn?t read part one this two-part series then GO READ IT NOW!

It is very easy to walk into the minefield instead of walking into goldmine if you don?t understand what I explained in the first article?

?Got it?…


As you know already from the last article, watching porn can get you fucked up and prevent you from getting laid?


Porn can also unlock a lot of doors to dirty ass mind blowing sex and get you laid like never before.


This article is me sharing some things that I have done that have worked for me?

?As with all dating ADVICE, this is advice that I have personally used and has worked but is in no way a guarantee that it will work for you?.

THIS IS ADVANCED LEVEL SHIT so take this with a grain of salt and do not get yourself in trouble and blame Van for it?

?Van is not responsible for your actions?

?This advice is based on the assumption that you?ve either already slept with a girl and want to take it to the next level?

?Or have a girl you want to sleep with who also has indicated that she is interested in sleeping with you as well?

Now that we?ve gotten that out the way, let?s just get right into it.



Using Porn to Get Her Thinking About You Sexually

Now this is some advanced level shit?

?A lot of women feel threatened by porn?

?Most men who have been in a relationship have a story about leaving a browser open on accident or having their girl go through their history and finding some porn on there?

?It usually doesn?t end well?

The reason being is that in a relationship, if your girl thinks you fantasize about other women and watch porn it means that you?re not interested in her?

If you?re ever in this situation don?t try to explain to her that ?men will be men and every guy watches porn??

?Cuz she won?t understand?

Instead ask her, ?do you like sex??

?I?m assuming she says yes since you?re in a relationship?

Then tell her about a time you guys had really freaky sex and explain to her that porn is where you learned that?then you can open the door to watching porn together which will give her an opportunity to show you her wildest fantasies that she was embarrassed to explore before.

?You?re welcome in advance?


It?s ok to ask a girl if she watches porn?


We?ve gotta warm up to that shit.

Once I?ve been texting a girl or gotten to know her a bit; usually after a few dates, a few hours talking on the phone, or I?ve matched on an app and she?s indicated to me that she is interested in me sexually?


?I wouldn?t tell her that my fantasy is to have sex in the kitchen?(not taboo enough)?

?But I also wouldn?t tell her that I wanna be peed on by a midget?(too taboo)?

?And I?d never start by telling her I want to have a threesome?(every dude wants that and it would just take the focus off of her and turn her off)?

?There is a time for that and I?ll get to that?

I don?t know what your kink is but something mid-range like having sex with food, or some mild bondage like handcuffs or spanking works for me?

?and judge her reaction?

?See what she likes as well?




This is not and article about how to get a girl interested in you?this is some next level shit.? There are a million things on the interwebs about how to get a girl interested in you sexually so do that first!



Once she opens up a little bit and shares some fantasies with me, I ask her if she watches porn?

?Once again judge her response?

?There are only three answers she can give pretty much?

?Either she does and I?m already on the train to freaky town?

?She doesn?t but she has a few times and is either kinda of into it or not kinda into it?

?Or she is repulsed by it and ?hopes that I don?t watch porn?

If her answer is the third one then I would tell her that I understand porn for what it is and although I hate the objectification of sex I also know that 80% of women fake orgasms so I seek to please and study up.

I might also ask her if she?s ever read a romantic novel or watched 50 Shades of Grey and if she has then tell her ?well then it sounds like you do watch porn and you just didn?t realize it.? Watching porn in your mind isn?t much different from watching it on a screen?.

If her answers are either of the other two I have looked up a video or a picture of what she likes and sent it to her saying ?something like this maybe?…?

?This got her mind going and thinking about all sorts of freaky shit to do with me?

…I found some good ones up her alley and when we met up to live out some fantasies, we watched it together and it led to some really freaky shit that wouldn?t have happened otherwise.


How I Used Porn to Have a Threesome

This is some super advanced level shit?

In order to make this work we have to have already watched porn with one girl and slept with her?

?Maybe not but this is what worked for me?

It helps if you?ve got two that you?ve slept with separately who know that you guys are openly seeing other people and not in a relationship but it?s not essential.

Fellas DON?T GET DISCOURAGED there is a lot of really good advice out there and if you?re not there yet just keep subscribing and learning…

?It?s just a matter of time until you perfect your dating skills?

Since you?ve watched porn with her before just put some on again and play a threesome video?

Comment on how hot it is with two women and ask her if she?d ever kiss a girl or ever has.

This is a super delicate game and it?s got to be the right girls.

If you?ve got one girl who is down then you guys can team up to try to find the third?

You two can go out together and she can pull the girl for you?

When I made it happen, I had slept with either girl on separate occasions and they had both indicated that they thought the other was attractive and although they had never slept with another girl, they had made out with girls and liked it.

Long story short I just invited them both over and even though they both said they?d never go down on a girl?

?after we watched a some video of two girls going down on each other?

?they did?

?and the rest is a wrap?


Stay thirsty my friends,



Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Van Bender Van Bender is a writer and coach specializing in becoming the alpha, the art of attraction and hacking the friendzone. Check out my website and subscribe for exclusive content

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