3 Words That Make Any Woman Want YOU [SNEAKY]

Why You Must Express Sexual Interest

Hey guys it?s Chris ?Sixty?,

After all the buzz my last article stirred up Bobby said I had to come back and give you guys a few more tips for attracting women…

So today I?m going to reveal a ?simple secret? for sleeping with HOT women that nobody is talking about

In fact, it?s so simple I can tell you what it is in just 3 words?


That simple enough for ya?

Now, when we think of being a man we often picture a guy who is muscular, or tough. Maybe someone who?s good at fixing things or acts brave in the face of danger

You may have even heard that to pick up women you need to become a “leader of men” or display ?alpha characteristics?

And while I agree that all of those qualities are great, if you forget to do this one small thing you will never be seen as a ?real man? in the eyes of a woman.

(And I?ll reveal what that is in just a second)

First, let me tell you about the monster at my gym. This is a guy who easily throws up 400 lbs. without breaking a sweat. His biceps are the size of my head and he could probably crush both of us with his bare hands.

However, Mr. Muscles has a problem.

A big problem.

I know it sounds crazy, but even good looking guys with ripped abs can end up in the friend zone.

I saw it all go down from my spot on the treadmill. As “Muscles” stopped doing his power squats to chat? with Noelle (a tall brunette with an amazing body) something strange happened.

He no longer looked manly

In fact, he looked like a total chump

This 100 pound beautiful woman had him cowering in fear.

I really wanted to LOL? but I also didn?t want to get killed.

This guy made every mistake in the book:

– Ashamed body language
– He avoided prolonged eye contact with her
– His facial expression screamed ?I?m just happy to be here?
– He stood too far away from her

Yep, I could tell right away he would never get Noelle into bed.

Sure, he will protect her if a guy says something rude to her. He may even fix her car (or just lift it up with his hands).

But she will never sleep with him. Not a chance.

In fact, despite his “good looks” and ?big muscles?, Noelle doesn?t think of him as a REAL MAN

All because he made one deadly mistake…

The mistake that instantly turns guys from ?THE MAN? into ?THE FRIEND?

And we?ve all made this mistake? and 98% of you guys will make it again tonight

So what did Mr. Muscles do wrong?

Simple ?

He didn?t reveal his ?sexual interest? in her

Instead, he kept it hidden.

Tucked away in his tight ?zebra-striped? workout pants.

Now this didn?t surprise me because I used to have the same problem. Being on the short side I always felt like I had to overcompensate by being tough or cocky

I really wanted to be a MAN

I thought if I just ?acted aloof?, hid my feelings, and was a ?challenge? women would be lining up at my bedroom door.

This is probably why I originally got into learning pickup. And believe me I tried everything the so called gurus claimed would work.

Little did I know at the time, but the solution to dating hot women was something much simpler. (and the best part was it worked way faster)

You see whether we want to or not we are always communicating something when we talk to women.

And its not the words women care about… it’s really THE VIBE

And my problem was? instead of sending her the message ?I want to get you into bed?… my eye contact, mannerisms and facial expression were all communicating?.

?I just want you to like me? (aw, how cute)

Basically, I was ashamed (and terrified) of revealing that I wanted to have sex with the women I talked to.

I had the latest clothes, I hit the gym, I was funny, and I knew every pickup theory inside and out…

but I hardly ever got laid?.

(don?t worry I sure as hell am making up for lost time now 😉

Now I admit, communicating your sexual interest can be scary as hell. Especially if you don?t know the right way to do it.

Plus, you can?t just TELL every woman you meet that you want to rip her clothes off and have sex with her. I mean you could try? but you probably won?t have a job for long and you may even wind up with a black eye (or worse)

Pro tip: you can create tons more sexual tension when you reveal your interest with VIBE than you can with WORDS

So – if you know you need to communicate your sexual interest , but most times you can?t just come right out and TELL HER.

->?Discover The SECRET to attracting women AUTOMATICALLY

Then what IS the secret to attracting the women you want and staying out of the friend zone?

Well, the good news is, I just put up a short video that shows you exactly how to communicate your sexual interest without ever being rejected

In fact, this technique is 100% invisible so women won?t even know what you?re doing (they?ll just know they feel attracted to you which is what you really want)

Look, if you can subtly let a woman know you are sexually interested in her it doesn?t matter if you?re skinny, average looking or short?.

Hell, it doesn?t matter if you?ve never been a fight in your life?.

When you learn the right way to express your sexuality women will always see you as a REAL MAN. In her eyes you will instantly become handsome, tall and muscular

Being HER man is easy once you learn THIS secret.

->?Discover The SECRET to attracting women AUTOMATICALLY

Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls

In this FREE Manuscript:

Exactly What To Say To Make Her Want You

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About Sixty Years of Challenge Sixty (Chris Andersen) has been actively coaching in the seduction community for over a decade. He is the all-time #1 poster at FastSeduction, the elite forum that was mentioned in Neil Strauss’s New York Times Bestselling Book The Game. Sixty teaches a completely natural style of meeting and attracting beautiful women and has coaching available at: https://www.tsbmag.com/private-coaching-with-chris-sixty-anderson/

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