7 Things To Talk About With A Girl To Make Her Want You


The half-hour conversation to nowhere

It?s arguably worse than getting instantly blown out…

Those conversations when a woman is hooked on your every word. She laughs at your jokes, gasps at your shocking stories and nods in interest throughout the interaction.

You feel an instant connection – and couldn?t be more confident that this woman will be down for a date in the future.

Then, out of nowhere, she makes her excuses and leaves.

She smiles and says ?nice to meet you? as she strolls out of your life forever, leaving you wondering what you did wrong.

More often than not, it probably was a ?nice? conversation – but it did nothing to make her see you as a potential lover.

If you don?t bring up the correct conversation topics, you?ll end up in conversations like this every time you meet a beautiful woman.

You?ll have way too many dates where she ?didn?t feel the spark? and be fighting to get out of the friendzone far more often than you need to be.

Don?t fret though. There are several conversation topics which can help present you as an attractive male, rather than a nice little chit-chat buddy.

Here are seven conversations to start the next time you?re chatting with a beautiful woman.

1. Your passions

A passionate male will always appear attractive, no matter what interests him. If you can demonstrate excitement and emotion when talking about your hobbies, it shows a lust for life that?ll draw her into your world. It?s an emotion she?ll want to bask in again and again.

Explain how it makes you feel when you?re engaging in your passion. Women love when men talk about their emotions. If you?re working on a plan to make a living out of it, talk about that too. This shows drive and determination; these are personality traits she?s likely to find very attractive.

2. Your past

Tales from your past help her to feel more comfortable around you.

Tell a personal story you wouldn?t normally mention to stranger. This helps to build an emotional connection. It convinces her she?s not just the ?next hot girl? in your eyes – and separates you from every other random dude she just met.

The best stories are the ones that show vulnerability, or tales that helped to shape your personality. Maybe it?s something you loved to do with your parents, or that one thing that terrified you as a child. Anything that helps her get to know you better will work wonders. Once again, explain your emotions during the story. This is key with all seven conversation topics… ?

Once you?re done, try and get her to share a similar story. It?ll help her feel even more invested in you.

3. DHVs

The concept of ?demonstrating higher value? was popularised by Mystery – the famous pick-up artist who introduced ?peacocking? and attraction-building routines like ?The Cube? to the mainstream world.

Although the these two techniques are ridiculed in the present day, DHVs remain as powerful as ever when utilised correctly.

Women want to date upwards on the status scale, just as much as men want to date upwards on the hotness scale.

If you can subtly pepper in clues about your high status into your conversations, it?ll help her feel attracted to you. Subtlety is the key here. Without this, DHVs come across as arrogant, boastful and try-hard.

4. Your opinions about her

People love to talk about themselves. If you ask a woman a question about herself, she may rabbit on and on, making you feel like the conversation is going brilliantly. The problem is she doesn?t see you as any different to anyone else who has asked that same question. ?

The key to differentiating yourself is to give an opinion on her answer, based on your experience of life. Now, you?re discussing her favourite conversation topic but offering unique insight. That?s compelling and will give her more motivation to see you again.

This works best if you?re presenting controversial opinions that stray beyond thinking that everything she touches turns to gold. Hot women are so used to being brown-nosed that it rarely registers as interesting, no matter how unique your compliment is. Having said that, don?t be the asshole who criticises her for no reason either.

5. Sex

If you can speak about sex in a casual and non-crude way, it demonstrates you?re aware it isn?t a big deal. It shows you?re comfortable with your sexuality and you don?t judge women who jump into bed with new men.

The subconscious message you?re sending is that you probably have a lot of sex – and that you won?t turn into that creep who falls in love and sends her dozens of text messages if she sleeps with you.

6. What to do next

The best way to avoid ?conversations to nowhere? is to make future plans. If possible, make plans for the immediate future. This could be getting a drink at the bar together, grabbing some food or taking a cab back to your house.

Whatever you suggest, it shows you have leadership abilities and that you?re spontaneous. These are two very attractive qualities.

Too many men don?t do this because they?re scared that a rejection will ruin the pleasant conversation. ?

If she?s unable to go anywhere with you immediately, exchange phone numbers and arrange an activity to do another time.

The fact you have the balls to do this, rather than let the conversation peter out to the inevitable ?nice to meet you?, is attractive in itself. ?

7. Your ideal woman

Tell her what you look for in a perfect woman. ?

Once again, this shows you?re proud of your sexuality – and also that you won?t just date any bimbo with a pretty face and decent boobs.

Ideally, it?ll result in her selling her best qualities to you. This puts you in a brilliant position when it comes to seeing her again. Women prefer to date a man they had to work for?

How to bring up these conversations

?Men are very logical-minded. Many think that the conversation needs to lead up to a certain topic for it to make sense.

Women don?t care about this though. Seriously, listen in on any female chatting with her best friend. The topic changes more times than the hands on a clock.

Don?t overthink it. Just say ?I want to talk about?? and go right ahead.

If you can pair these conversation topics with strong body language and basic flirting, you?ll be on to a winner.

Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2018/03/07/1-powerful-trick-to-make-her-want-you/


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>

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