3 Powerful “Lines” That Make A Woman Want You…
If there is one word that most beautiful women can?t resist, it is the word ?No.?
It is human nature to always want what you cannot have. It?s also human nature to want something that is retreating from you, even if you didn?t want it before.
But that said, how do you apply this concept to attracting women in a practical way?
Start using the overall CONTEXT of your conversations with women to imply that she is the one working for you ? even if it isn?t necessarily true.
You see, whether or not she is working harder to gain your approval than you are for hers, is irrelevant?
If you can IMPLY that she is, and she passively accepts your frame, then all the work is done.
So in this article, I?m going to give you 3 of my favorite ?LINES? that you can drop into any of your conversations to imply that you have the power.
Use these lines exactly how I show you, and she won?t be able to resist your charm?
Line #1: ?You?re actually??
I recommend using these two words after you have been getting to know her on a date, or in a conversation (preferably one that lasts longer than just a few minutes).
All you have to do is pause the conversation at a high note, and say the following, almost like you are complimenting her:
?You know, you?re actually a lot cooler than I thought you?d be.?
Do you see the genius in that short phrase?
The reason this simple little quip works so well is because it automatically implies that at first you weren?t sold on her, but she is starting to win your over?
In other words, you are actively putting yourself in the position of the buyer in this interaction.
Women respond to challenge. They love a guy who can challenge them, but at the same time be won over. Often times guys mess this up because they are too challenging.
Have you ever ridden a bike up a really steep hill, worked really hard to get to the top, and then actually make it all the way up? How did you feel when you reached the top?
For a lot of people, they feel a deep sense of accomplishment for having conquered that hill. This is because they had to work hard just to get there, and the winning feeling at the end is worth the hard work.
Challenging, and thus attracting women is very similar. Women like the guy who can challenge them, just because they want that rewarding feeling of winning him over. He is literally a prize ? her prince charming, if you will.
Line #2: ?If only??
Two of my favorite words? ?If only??
Like I said, often times, even if they are not necessarily true they will still work. This is because the brain cannot tell the difference between real and imagined.
I call this concept ?Creating an Imaginary Barrier?. People hate the feeling of ?losing? something, or not being able to get something they think they are entitled to.
?And like we said, women today can be pretty entitled. Thinking they can get any guy they want.
That is where the words ?If only?? come in. The perfect words to FLIP the script on her. Here are a few examples?
And if you feel bad making up creating imaginary barriers to attract women, then I?m about to break some bad news to you?
Just think about how many times throughout history has a woman used the excuse of being on her period to avoid having sex with a guy.
Often times, women will create these barriers in order to prolong the seduction process, and put off sex to a later date.
They do this to test his willingness to stick around, and get him chasing her? In a sense, by using barriers, you are using the same seduction tactics that women have been successfully using on men for centuries?
Line #3: ??But we can?t??
This involves 3 steps.
Step One: Paint a mental picture of an activity you both would want to do in the future.
Tell a story of something you and her are going to do in the future. Get specific. And make it sound like a fun and crazy adventure. Paint a picture of you guys flirting with each other, and you teasing her along the way.
She should get excited when hearing you describe this, and want to actually make it happen in the near future. For example, here?s how you might bring this into a conversation?
?You?ve never been to DisneyLand?! That?s it, one of these days we?re totally going to Disneyland, and we?re going to ride every ride? Twice!
Then when we get hungry we?re gonna have a funnel cake eating competition ? which I?ll clearly win because I never lose to girls. And after I beat you in the funnel cake eating competition, before our food coma sets in, we?re going to mess around with Mickey Mouse by tapping his shoulder, and then turning around before he sees us.
Afterwards, we?ll leave Disneyland, and go to the beach? But it has to be a public beach because I wouldn?t want you to take advantage of me when nobody else is around.?
As you are telling the story, you should be excited about it yourself.
Step Two: at the climax of your story, PAUSE, then say these 3 words?
As you are getting worked up by your own story, and she is getting more drawn into it. I want you to suddenly pause, as if you just remembered some traumatic reason why your story could never actually happen, and then say the words:
??but we can?t??
Step Three: Slowly look off into the distance.
After you say the words ??but we can?t?? just look off into the distance as if there is some barrier keeping you guys from ever doing the story you just told her.
This is a powerful takeaway because you made her want it, and then you implied that she could never have it. People always want what they can?t have. With those last 3 words, she will think that there is some major barrier in the way of making it happen?
Did you get kicked out of Disneyland in the past?
Are you afraid of sharks?
Are you secretly married?
She?ll wonder why you guys can?t. Just pretend that you don?t want to talk about it, and let her imagination run wild.
Try to use at least one of these lines THIS WEEK.
I promise, you?ll be surprised at the results.
Your friend,
-Patrick James, #RawDatingAdvice
P.S. Let me know how these 3 powerful lines work out for you!
Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2018/03/07/1-powerful-trick-to-make-her-want-you/
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Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Patrick James Patrick James is the coach and creator of #RawDatingAdvice. A brand that influences thousands of men from over 83 different countries each day. He is the author of multiple best-selling books, including 107 Proven Ways To Get The Girl and The Magnetic Personality Formula. Patrick is most known for delivering RAW dating advice that works with pinpoint accuracy, and he is regularly asked to speak to crowds of 400+ for his input on specific and “unsolvable” dating problems. You can check out Patrick's best-selling book for FREE at www.HowToGetTheGirlNow.com