Natural Performance Enhancers to Help You Go All Night
Do you like marathon sex? You know, that sex that starts in the evening and ends at breakfast time?
Are you capable of marathon sex? Being able to stay in the game and go all night is not easy. Granted, when men are young, it is much easier to consider. However, even young bucks can?t always hang for the marathon run.
Of course, there are pills on the market that keep you rock solid for a few hours, but do you really want a pill doing what you can naturally? Why not consider some options that will have you keeping it up and keeping it in, until the sun rises?
Hitting the gym is a great way to stay in shape. You can build muscles and strength, helping you realize your true potential. But, when it comes to sex, strength only helps so much.
Great performance in the bedroom requires endurance. Your heart is the major organ involved for endurance. This means getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise. Running, jogging and swimming are excellent options for building a strong heart. Then, when you are having sex, the increased heart rate is not wearing you down as you work. Your blood flow is stronger, muscles tire less easily and all your needed parts are energized.
If you have a strong heart, then it figures that blood flow is going to be stronger. Increasing your blood flow helps move oxygen to all your moving parts, thus reducing fatigue when active. There are foods that can help achieve better blood flow.
Garlic is great at assisting with circulation, as are onions. You will want to eat a mint after, but the benefits are excellent (also, garlic has a sweetening effect on semen). You can lower blood pressure by eating bananas. The potassium is great for muscles, and the improvement in blood flow will improve performance.
Spicy foods that contain chilies or other peppers, can assist with reducing inflammation and tension. These two things can stifle performance, as they impact normal muscle and body functions, preventing relaxation.
Eating eggs can assist with hormone balancing, and reduce erection difficulties. Take in Omega-3 fats from fish, olive oil and avocados, for better blood flow. Also, Vitamin B-1 will help your brain send signals faster, improving response time.
Stress is a big killer in the bedroom. Jobs, family and a world of other folks are constantly handing out stress. You need to find ways to purge this stress, simply.
Go outside!
Sunlight is an amazing thing. It not only provides vitamins our body needs, but it also helps with stress. The sun is warm and inviting, and energizes us. Going for a walk, enjoying the beach or exercising outdoors, are excellent ways to use the sun to your advantage.
Also, sunlight limits melatonin production. This hormone inhibits sexual urges. Being out in the sun can help rev up your sexual motor. Use this as motivation to get a good workout, outdoors. If you are currently dating someone, get outside as a couple. The sun has the same effect on her, which opens up lots of “workout” options.
What if someone told you masturbation could make you better at sex? Then this is your lucky day, because it can. Just what men need, another reason to jerk off, right?
Look, you are masturbating already. Nearly all males do, and those that say they don?t, either have no hands or they are lying. However, most men don’t use it as a training tool for better sex. One important reminder about masturbation: too much can be a negative, in that it can retard ejaculation during sex. Like anything else, moderation is important. I like to pretend someone may heed that warning.
You can jerk off in just a couple of minutes. Who can?t? The real challenge is seeing how long you can go without giving in to getting off. If you want to increase performance, treat masturbation like sex, and prolong it for as long as you would sex. I?m not saying make your masturbation session last all night, unless that is your thing. What you want is to increase the time it takes, each time you masturbate.
Learn what is making you get off. Learn to breath and focus less on sensation and more on action. Try to imagine the less orgasmic parts of sex, like the kissing, touching and fondling. Imagining a pussy is asking for an orgasm. For better performance, think less sexually and more erotically.
Finally, try edging. Edging is a way to control orgasm, releasing only when desired, similar to tantric sex. The goal is to masturbate, not rushed, and bring yourself to the point of orgasm, then stop. Yes, that?s right, STOP masturbating. Cool off for a couple of minutes, then do it again, remembering to stop. Learn control.
As you do so, pay attention to your body?s responses and learn what to look for. This teaches you what to respond to during sex, and prevent early ejaculation. An added benefit (for some) to edging, is an increase in output when you finally ejaculate. Many women are a big fan of increased load size, as they often take it as a compliment to their sexiness.
Being a performance hero is not hard to do, it just requires a little work on your part. Easy things like exercise and diet go a long way to improving your longevity and energy. Pay attention during sex, focusing on her, and control when you get off. If you do so, she might just think you are a porn star.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About robertbrasher A creative writer for many years, with experiences in many areas. People fascinate me, and stoke my desire to educate the masses on the madness we can and do create in this world. Through writing, we pass knowledge; through understanding, we pass tradition.