Forget Phone Numbers! 7 Reasons To Take Her Social Media Instead

Ever swapped phone numbers with a woman on the premise of meeting for a date, only for her to ignore all your calls and messages?

Perhaps you exchanged a couple of texts back and forth, only for the conversation to suddenly go cold?

This can be frustrating and confusing for guys, especially when the woman seemed so keen to exchange digits.

Sadly, ghosting is more common than ever – and it’s only going to get worse.

We live in a world where beautiful women can have literally hundreds of dudes hitting them up via Tinder, Bumble and the rest. Plus, the other blokes they’ve bumped into since meeting you. Also, the classmates or work colleagues who would love to take them out.

It’s little wonder she doesn’t even have time to let you down gently…

Thankfully, there is a powerful solution to help you stand out from the masses – swapping social media details.

Here are the 7 main reasons why adding each other on Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram is much a better strategy to ensure you see each other again.

1. Swapping social media seems more casual

Lots of women assign negative connotations to giving away their phone number, but only have positive thoughts about getting more followers.

Maybe it?s because they already have a ton of strangers following them on Snapchat and Instagram, or they have dreams of living as a full-time ‘social media inflencer’.

Either way, in my experience, girls appear to be more receptive to swapping social media details than phone numbers.

2. It helps her trust you

Even when a woman is seriously attracted to a stranger, she still holds onto this lingering fear.

‘What if he?s a creep/nerd/loser/murderer?’

It’s this fear that prevents her from meeting up with men she doesn’t know that well. However, if she has your social media details, she can see you have friends, hobbies, passions etc. She learns more about you, which makes her feel more comfortable meeting you.

3. It keeps you in the forefront of her mind

If you swap phone numbers, all she gets to remember you is your name (if she saves it) and maybe a small avatar. If she’s out meeting lots of men, it’s conceivable that she forgets who you are.

In contrast, adding her on social media allows you to regularly pop up on her smartphone with small reminders of how cool you are. She sees your face, hears your voice and witnesses all the fun stuff you’re getting up to.

4. You can impress her without seeming too try-hard

You may have an awesome job, a supercar and enviable hobbies, but if you explicitly bring up these topics to a woman, it can come across as too try-hard. Texting her every day without reply definitely comes across as too needy.

Yet, by using social media posts, you can consistently display your strengths without it appearing as if you’re showing off for her.

5. Scalability

With text messages and phone calls, you can only impress one girl at a time. It?s just not efficient. Post a cool Snapchat or Instagram Story and you?re potentially impressing a whole army of eligible females.

6. You can see who watches your stories

Women love to ‘stalk’ their crushes on social media, and some platforms allow you to see who your keenest followers are.

Snapchat and Instagram Stories both tell you who is watching your stories. This information can be crucial. After all, a woman who watches every one of your stories is far more likely to be receptive to a flirty message.

7. Her stories are perfect conversation-starters

Social media eliminates the difficulty of initiating (or reinitiating) a text conversation with a woman you just met.

With phone numbers, you may have no idea of what’s going on in her life, so it’s difficult to stray beyond ?how are you?? or ?what are you doing this weekend?’. Her social media posts should provide far more interesting conversation-starters than that.

They’ll also give clues about when is a good time to message her. If she’s just posted photos from a pool party thousands of miles away, it’s probably not a good time to text. If she posts a ‘bored at home’ selfie, it’s more likely she’ll respond to your message.

It’s also seen as more acceptable to comment on someone’s social media post than it is to text them out of the blue. I’ve reinitiated conversations and arranged dates with women I’d met months earlier by doing this.

The dos and don’ts of social media

There is a right way and wrong way to swap social media details with a woman you’re interested in, so take note of the following tips.

Make your intent clear

Whatever contact details you’re swapping, it’s important to make it clear why you want them. I normally try to agree upon an activity for us to do together – or at the very least say ‘we should stay in touch’ – before pulling my phone out my pocket. This way, she’s not surprised when I text to ask her out.

Add her on the platform she actually uses

After she agrees to this proposal, I ask ‘what’s the best way to contact you?’. If she offers her phone number, I’ll take it then suggest we add each other on Instagram as well.

It’s no good contacting her through a social media platform she never uses. She won’t see your posts, and it might be weeks until she spots your message.

On Facebook and Instagram, if she doesn’t add you back, your text gets filed in the ‘Message Requests’ folder alongside the hundreds of creepy strangers trying to ‘slide in her DMs’. Not good.

You can add her on as many social media platforms as possible, but message her using whatever she suggests is the ‘best way’.

Showcase your awesome life

These tips are all worthless if your social media profile doesn’t have interesting pictures of you doing fun activities. If you’re not already, start doing cool shit and photographing it. I was initially resistant to living my life through a lens, until I realised how much easier it is to get women out by doing so.

Social media is the future of arranging dates. You can either embrace this trend or continue getting ghosted.

Here is another article related to the subject:?


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Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>

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