Research Claims Eating Garlic Makes You More Attractive
Science is always trying to come up with the answers to important questions such as “what makes women attracted to men?” or more specifically “how can men be more attractive to women?” A recent study looked to see if they could find any helpful links between getting girls and eating garlic, which probably began because someone couldn’t quit their garlic habit and wanted proof that their bad breath could be overlooked.
They did actually determine that women like the smell of garlic, although it’s sort of hard to imagine. The study took place in Prague, and required that women smell the body odor have different men, some of whom had been eating garlic and the other whom had not.
The researchers determined that the women preferred the garlic laced B.O. over the regular stuff, which lead them to think it could be a good way to attract the ladies. They attribute this to the smell of the sulphuric compounds that seep out of the sweat after eating garlic, and assume that biologically a woman might be drawn to this since garlic is so healthy. The thought being that if he’s eating healthy he will seem more attractive as a potential biological match from an evolutionary perspective.
But whether this is applicable in real life or not, it seems questionable. We can all probably agree that smelling garlic on people is rarely a turnon. If you do want to test out the theory go for it, since garlic is indeed a very healthy addition to the diet.
Garlic contains a phytonutrient called?alliinase which is known to have a variety of medicinal properties. Garlic can be an anti inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, improves the immune function, and contains?antibacterial and antiviral properties.
There are some ways to cut down on the garlic scent that can linger when you eat the stuff, although this might detract from attracting the women. (Or maybe not.) One thing to keep in mind is that the more fresh and juicy garlic is the less intense the garlic flavor will be. That sounds counterintuitive but it’s supposedly true. You can also rinse it before slicing it which will help to remove some of the sulphur compounds. Cooking garlic is always going to cut down on some of the scent so you’re better off including it in a dish that just eating cloves raw for example.
If you’ve already eaten garlic and are trying to cut down on some of the scent, one often suggested idea is to chew on some parsley. Another is eating some yogurt or drinking milk, as the diary is thought to cut down on some garlic breath.
Less popular but supposed treatments also include rubbing sage leaves on the teeth, or chewing cardamom seeds. However once you’ve eaten the garlic it is also going to be in your system which means that it might start coming out of your pores. In that case, time is your best bet, unless you find that working up a sweat to get it out helps.
About Kate Ferguson Kate Fergus is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blogs and online magazines. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce.