Where to take a girl for an instant date
An instant date should be spontaneous and fun9
An instant date involves taking a woman somewhere totally spontaneously. You are removing yourselves from the place you have met, whether that is a club, a bar, or a chance encounter on the street. This creates a sense of adventure, and can be fun, romantic, or both, depending on what you are angling for.
The instant date is an old and well-known technique, but it remains useful, particularly because it is a natural progression. It does not feel engineered, like many other dating tips for men which women are aware of and look down upon. The key is to make it something simple. Being elaborately prepared for an instant date will make you look insane. Something that is nearby and easy to get to is always your best option. It is meant to be low pressure, so do not go anywhere too fancy, especially because she may feel too under-dressed for the occasion.
The beach date
Take advantage of a nearby beach or lake- it is the perfect location for an instant date. Suitable for both evening and day dates, it has the advantages of being both romantic and totally free. Walking alongside a body of water and even wading into the water together is an intimate experience. Any conversation will feel deep and meaningful, even if you are just getting to know each other. It is even better if it is chilly outside- you can then suggest warming up together at one of your houses. One thing to be aware of is that cautious types may say no if she thinks there will not be other people around. In this case you should proceed to something like a coffee date, which represents less risk for her.
The favorite food date
Go on a dinner or evening snack date with a twist. She mentions she likes a particular cuisine, and you suggest an amazing restaurant you know, that she ?simply must try?. Suggest you go to said restaurant immediately. You now have a reason to be going on this date, even if she is not too sure about you yet. She will love the spontaneity. It does not need to be a sit down restaurant date- food trucks and ice-cream parlours are actually even better for instant dates.
The casual drinks date
Going out for drinks is easy and low-key. It also does not represent as much of a time commitment as some other instant date ideas. This is an advantage if she is not totally sure about you- she can always leave after one drink if she realises she is not into you after all. This flexibility means she is more likely to say yes. The casual drinks date is perfect if you run into an old acquaintance, as there is some ambiguity between catching up and building a connection. Of course, if it is a daytime encounter, you may want to go on a coffee date instead.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: http://mensstyleandfashion.com/