8 Weeks to Strong and Jacked Arms
When it comes to building muscle, the arm stands out as the main measure. Every major muscle group is important, everyone wants a set of abs and we all know not to forget leg day. But the arms are the first to be looked at, they’re center stage, and having a good pair is goal for almost any gym goer.
Of course, some of us have naturally large guns while others struggle to produce a slight bump. Every body reacts differently to exercise, which makes it difficult to follow one plan and have it work for everyone. Nonetheless, there are exercises and plans that, while leading to differing results, are clearly going to be the more effective?than many of the alternatives. Breaking Muscle has put together one such plan, with some tips on how to approach it:
If you attack this program half-heartedly, your results will be the same. If you want to see how jacked your arms can get before summer, dedicate one hour per week to make it happen. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
When performing each rep, focus on the muscle working and contracting, rather than unconsciously flopping the weight around in space. Be diligent and strict with form, but still attack each set with everything you have. This is my favorite time of the year to increase training volume and have fun. Train now to reap the benefits in the summer, and beyond.
To see the plan and start working towards your own pair of jacked guns, check out the full post on Breaking Muscle.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.