Trend: bleached hair on men
Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik have a lot in common. They are both young male singers with a huge female fan base of all ages. They are both releasing hot new music, and they have both been through a few scandals in the past few years. And of course, they both have made friends with the peroxide blond look. How can you channel their style? And more important, should you?
Sadly, platinum blonde hair on men is the trend which will just not die. Justin Bieber made it happen in 2014, before returning to a more natural look- and now he is at it again, with a trendy asymmetrical side-swept haircut, dyed blonde at the front.
The bleach blonde look suits few men. You must be extremely stylish to carry this look off. You will need to be dedicated to styling yourself impeccably every day if you commit to bleaching your hair. The hairstyle will even cause you to look sloppy and trashy if you put no effort into how you dress.
Counter it with a beard
Bleached hair on men can look quite effeminate. Avoid this impression by growing a beard to go with your newly blonde hair. This works especially well if your facial hair is quite dark.
Zayn has been wearing his blonde locks with short, dark facial hair, which looks fantastic on him. The key is to keep your facial hair groomed extremely well, as well as styling your hair to give it some texture and shape (a little bit of gel will do the trick).
Usually guys who try the peroxide blonde look do so with a view to embracing hipster style, so the beard will also help with that.
Get the tone right
When you enter the world of bleached hair, you will find that toner is your new best friend. It is not enough to paint peroxide on your hair. When you wash it out, you will receive a rude shock as your once dark locks are yellowy-blonde- and that is if you are lucky. You may find it turns quite orange. You will need to apply toner (a color which is used after bleaching the hair). This will give a more pleasing color without a trace of yellow.
Dyeing your hair for the first time is especially challenging. This is definitely one trend which should not be done at home; you need the capable hands of a hairdresser to save your hair from becoming a horrid yellow mess.
Avoid looking like a middle aged woman
The problem with the platinum hair trend is it can look a lot like that haircut women often get around the age of fifty. A textured hairstyle with highlights looks great on a middle aged woman, but it may not suit your more masculine features. If you have a strong jawline, you have more freedom with length and style. However, a round face will only increase the middle-aged lady effect.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: