Sex With The Serving Girl—How To Get It
There is something about serving girls that make them objects of intense desire. From her perspective, the serving girl you’re after is getting on with her shift. To you her shift is nothing less than an endless parading of her ass in front of you.
When she has to take an order from the table next to yours, she stands there for minutes at a time in her short black dress or tight pair of blue jeans so that you can note every curve and dimension of her legs, tits, and ass cheeks. She may kneel over or bend over just enough to give you a shot of her inner thigh or reach up to expose her slender abs and pierced belly button.
Having a meal or drinking your coffee in an establishment that employs a group of hot, young waitresses can be a powerfully erotic experience.
Serving girls tend to be in their twenties, single, and looking for a bit of adventure.?The trouble is they are hit on all the time by men such as yourself. In an eight or ten hour shift, the girl you?ve had your eye on will encounter dozens of guys like you, many of whom have tried it on with her. To avoid being just another asshole with a hard on you must go at her indirectly.
The first thing to note is that serving girls do not shut off all feeling once they punch in to work. A woman is a woman, and can be wooed. To accomplish the latter you must make yourself stand out in some way. Don?t be too forward the first time you see her. Make eye contact and find some reason to speak to her?limiting the discussion to something mundane. In the course of the drive-by conversation, work in a compliment or some witty remark. That will give her a chance to hear your voice and to remember that you were nice to her or made her laugh.
The next time you see her she is sure to recognize you. It is then safe to greet her in a more familiar tone. Stick to this routine until she slips into a zone of comfort with you.
This will bring you to a critical phase. You have to decide whether she is a serving girl who is looking for a boyfriend or one merely wants to fuck.? The latter do exist and oftentimes flirt with customers for that particular purpose. In fact, these are the only serving girls I?ve been with. The girls looking for boyfriends will usually not turn to customers.
If you find that the serving girl you?re stuck on is up for a roll in the hay, you will need to use discretion and skill to get her there. Do not make overtures to her in hearing distance of her co-workers. Remember that women go through great lengths to protect their sexual reputations. She doesn?t want to be known as the slut who sleeps with random customers. Even if she is a girl who is impervious to slut-shaming, she should be the one to decide whether her co-workers know about the two of you.
If she is working a late or evening shift, find or create a moment alone with her and invite her for an after-work drink at your place. A girl who is up for sex will say yes; for there is no duller prospect than going home to an empty apartment and a cold bed after a long night of work.
When the two of you get to your place, she will still be uptight and stressed. Pouring the wine, putting on good music, setting the lights to just the right intensity?these are all the standard things to do to relax her. To get sex you must ease her out of one mood and into another. Offer to rub her shoulders or her feet. That will allow you to breach the touch barrier. Rubbing is also an act of intimacy?one that must be built on.
Going from massaging to kissing may still not be enough to get her ready. A good intermediate step to intercourse is to gently finger her pussy and massage her clit. This will get her hot to trot to the bedroom, so that the two of you can fill the rest of the night with hot, passionate sex.
About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.