Why Swimming Is The Best Exercise Ever
We have a huge number of options when it comes to physical fitness. We have running, weights, cycling, high intensity interval training, yoga, all the way down to swimming, which given the large number of options, often takes a back seat.
Despite its relative lack of popularity or significance in many of our exercise plans, swimming may be one of the most effective workouts around.?It does provide a full body workout,?it can be peaceful and solitary in a similar vein to running, and it’s something you can do in the heart of nature. One writer on the Huffington Post?is claiming that swimming is the best workout there is, with 5 points to back that claim up:
1. Water is calming.
Water has long been a symbol of renewal and clarity — and there’s research to back this up. Studies suggest being around the element has a powerful effect on the brain.
Spending time near water can be similar to meditation, in that it gives the brain a break from the constant overstimulation people often experience in modern life.?The best part? You can reap these cognitive benefits by going for a swim and getting some exercise in the process. You could also give?floating therapy?a try.
If you’re after a new workout that can simultaneously relax and challenge you, then swimming is a perfect option. Checkout the other four reasons why swimming is the best workout around.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.