Tinder profile ‘red flags’ to swipe left on
Swipe left on any profile containing the words “If you can’t handle me at my worst…”
Women to avoid in the online dating world
Weed out the time wasters on Tinder by paying attention to these red flags. Now, I won?t tell you to swipe left on every girl who does the duckface in her pictures- there?s nothing wrong with striking a pose. Unlike her pout, these dating profile red flags constitute a grave warning.
The girl who is looking for friends
Her bio specifically says she is looking to make new friends. That means she is not interested in any type of romantic encounter. She probably has a boyfriend, or maybe she is new to your city and wants to find a social group. As always, it is about context- if her profile says she is looking for friends but is also open to other possibilities, then there is no harm in swiping right.
The shameless self-promoter
Some women use Tinder to promote their own business or to gain a social media following. A profile description that directs you to subscribe to her comedy YouTube channel or to follow her fitness guru Instagram account indicates that she is using Tinder to look for one thing: more fans. If she was genuinely interested in meeting guys, she would not make her description all about her social media exploits, as she would want men to get to know her without being awestruck by her online presence. This girl will match with you, ask you to like the Facebook page of her business or subscribe to her channel, and then never talk to you again.
The rebounder
She?s recently single, and she?s on Tinder to mingle. There?s nothing wrong with that, aside from the fact that her profile states that she has just come out of a relationship. A girl with any sense will not write that in her profile, and will not tell you about her previous relationship unless you ask. It shows she is not over her ex and that she will probably talk about him incessantly in real life. This girl is fine if you want something casual, but it is not the right time to be dating her.
The negative Nancy
Rather than fill her bio with information about herself, she uses that space to talk about you. More specifically, she uses that space to talk about who you are not allowed to be.
?No short guys, no players, no blond guys??
This shows two things. Firstly, that she is negative. There is nothing wrong with having standards, but it is a bit much to make them the main focus of her profile. Secondly, that she is lazy. She cannot be bothered looking through the profiles of the guys she is swiping through to check they meet her standards. Instead, she expects them to weed themselves out. You can expect that to translate into a pattern of her time being more precious than yours.
The Marilyn Monroe quote
If you spend any time at all on the internet, you will be more than familiar with the Marilyn Monroe quote:
?I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.?
Those first two sentences tell you all you need to know about her. Of course, everyone has flaws. Everyone has times when they act in ways they are not proud of, especially in relationships when jealousy comes out.
However, you just do not advertise your weaknesses in your online dating profile- it is where you are supposed to put your best foot forward. Women who use this generic quote to describe themselves are drama-chasers. Swipe left!
For additional Tinder tips, check out this guide on how to meet women on Tinder.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: http://mensstyleandfashion.com/