8 Predictions For 2016
The best way to make predictions about the future is to look at the past: more specifically, to discern the direction of current trends. As a man of the world, you of course choose those ventures, recreations, and activities that most interest you. However, it is important to be aware of all events of significance, so that you are better able to engage with friends and colleagues and explore opportunities that may unexpectedly surface.
To further your ability to recreate yourself, improve your portfolio, and take advantage of developments in politics, business, and finance I present 8 predictions for 2016.
Apple will unveil a new watch and a new iPhone. No news there. The important thing to watch in 2016 is the entry of new rivals that will begin to steal some of the computer giant?s star power. In many ways, the Apple brand was tied to the personality of Steve Jobs. His passing will finally began to be felt by the company in the coming year, as Tim Cook struggles to meet the high expectations set by his predecessor.
Another development to look out for in tech is the coming of virtual reality devices to retail outlets. The first virtual reality headsets will become available to the public in 2016. The first gadgets will be quite costly. You will be able to play interactive games and participate in virtual porn. As time goes on, newer, more sophisticated devices will come out and be much less expensive.
2016 will see big changes in the media industry. A decade ago, new media startups dreamed of being bought by old media empires. But properties such as BuzzFeed, Vice Media, and Vox Media are now much too expensive for traditional companies to buy. Instead, the new kids will seek to buy their older rivals. The fusion of well-established brands and well-financed, tech saavy companies will make for a few new high-value ventures.
In other Apple news, the company has announced plans to build an electronic car by 2019. It already has access to Tesla?s battery technology. You should look for it to make a more decisive move by buying the company itself.
If your fund is heavily invested in Apple and new media companies, watch it closely. You are likely to see significant gains from the company and the sector in 2016.
The new Star Wars movie will continue to dominate the box office well into the New Year. It has already smashed the record for the biggest opening weekend. Look for it to topple Avatar, the current highest grossing film of all time. For we Star Wars fiends, the franchise?s reboot and success brings warm feelings to our hearts.
In the realm of television, expect the big name studios to continue experimenting with shows that reflect the demographic changes that have occurred in America over the past twenty years. Independent web-based television programs will continue to grow and attract more viewers. Some of the creators of these shows will form their own production companies, which will give rise to a whole new sub-industry in film and television.
In the American presidential race, Hillary Clinton will secure the Democratic nomination. The Republican race will continue to be much more interesting to watch. There will be no brokered convention. However, it will take some time before a front-runner emerges.
The big political news in Europe is the EU referendum in Britain. Sometime next year?probably in the summer?the British people will go the polls and vote on whether they want the country to stay in the European Union. Expect a vote to stay in.
Although polls have narrowed in recent weeks, the bookies still favor a vote for remaining in Europe. Britain is seen by many outside of Europe as a gateway to Europe. Exiting the common market would cost the country dearly in direct foreign investment. It would also lead to its no longer having a say on the rules that govern trade in the area with which it trades most.
If you are invested in British and European companies, you need not panic. As the Scottish referendum of 2014 showed, people prefer the status quo when it comes to these matters.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.