7 hygiene tips from around the internet
Men underestimate the effects their personal hygiene habits have on their interactions with women. You can study all the self-help and dating advice you want, but all that stuff gets negated when you smell weird or can’t keep your hair and nails kempt. So, here are a few things to keep in mind before you go out again:
1. Don’t wash your face with regular soap
Regular soap that you would use on your body dries up your face, according to Esquire. Use a product specifically designed for your face, and wash your face once per day.
2. Trim the back of your neck
It’s easy to forget about the back of your neck since you never see it, but trips to the barber shouldn’t be the only times the back of your neck gets shaved, according to Men’s Health.
3. Watch your body odor
It’s amazing how many men are blissfully unaware of how bad they smell, according to Men’s Fitness. And when you don’t keep your body odor in check, the smell permeates your bedsheets, couch, car and other areas and surfaces the women in your life come in contact with.
4. Brush your teeth
“Either due to fear of the dentist or complacency, teeth are an area that so many men choose to ignore,” Charles J. Orlando, author of The Problem With Women … Is Men, said, according to Everyday Health. “Brush and floss, scrub your tongue, and go get a teeth cleaning. If you want a woman to put her tongue in there, it should be clean.”
5. Change your sheets once a week
Changing your sheets once a week can help reduce your risk of outbreaks on your face or other parts of your body, according to Primer Magazine. Change your pillowcase often as well. Also, as mentioned earlier, you never know what smells are lingering on your sheets that might be off-putting to any women who may come into contact with them.
6. Don’t shave all your pubic hair
It actually serves a purpose, including the distribution of pheromones, according to Men’s Journal. Also, shaving all the hair down there kind of gives off a pre-puberty kind of vibe that you definitely want to avoid.
7. Don’t use too much cologne
Use cologne to enhance your natural smell rather than having the cologne stand out on its own, according to the Art of Manliness. Finding the right one might take some trial and error, since different colognes react differently for different people.
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Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Jordan Murray Jordan is a journalist who has written extensively about dating and lifestyle for multiple publications.