The Formula to Build Any Successful Habit in Just 30 Days
Habits populate over half our lives. Think about it, the way you brush your teeth, use a knife and fork, sit in a chair, drive to work. In almost every scenario you rely on habituated actions, without them, we’d need to consciously think about everything we did, we’d have no autopilot to handle the boring actions that we’ve done so often before.
Given their automatic nature, it’s no wonder people want to use them to make healthy actions easier, and also to break bad habits that because of their ease are difficult and painful to stop. When it comes to habits, there is a science, there are things that work and things that don’t, and much of it depends on the specific habit you want to make or break. Thankfully over at the Huffington Post, there’s an article that looks at a 30 day habit creating program:
Imagine you want to start a new habit such as a workout routine, clean eating or mediating regularly. You and I both know that the first few days are easy, even fun while we ride the wave of good intentions, however sticking with our?new habit?for more than a couple weeks becomes a lot harder.
The reason for this is we psyche ourselves out by thinking of all the time, energy and effort we will need to invest into making our new habit permanent — before we have even started. It becomes overwhelming and the pain of doing it starts to outweigh the pleasure of the results we will experience from having developed our new habit.
How would you like to be able to stick to all of you exercise routines, diet plans, productive schedules and break your bad habits? It sounds difficult, and truthfully, it won’t be easy, but follow the points mentioned in the full article and give yourself the best shot.
About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.