How To Date Your Political Opposite

How To Date Your Political Opposite

The presidential campaign season is ramping up. Both parties have begun the long process of culling their fields down to the one person who will be the standard bearer for their respective camps. If you are into politics, choosing the side you?re on is a simple matter. Things become a lot more complex if you meet a really hot girl who happens to be your political opposite.

For those with strong ideological convictions, the political is personal. If you are drawn to someone in the enemy camp, there will be no getting around the issues. Indeed, it always makes me smile when people complain about the divisiveness of politics?as if there was some other way politics could be. People have different views and opinions on the role of government in American life and the priorities our elected officials ought to have. This makes politics divisive by definition. If everyone agreed on everything all the time, there would be no need for debate and elections.

This is something you should keep in mind when pursuing your flame. You should not give in to the temptation to find things you agree on just for the sake of comity. It is her smile, her tits, her legs, her hair and beautiful eyes that first attracted you to her. As things go on you will discover other things that you like. Let her politics alone and insist that she does the same for yours. The two of you will inevitably have it out over issues. That is as it should be; and yes, it will get personal. But what doesn?t get personal between two individuals in an intimate relationship?

The specific circumstances under which you both live will determine how you should go about dating her. If the two of you are mere civilians who are ideologically committed but have non-political jobs and take no active role in electoral campaigning, then you can the follow usual dating practices?while making the accommodations described above.

If, however, you are deeply involved in politics, then you need a different strategy. One need not be a paid campaign staffer or volunteer to be involved in politics in a more than casual way. You may work as a blogger or journalist who writes extensively on the subject. If you are in such a profession, you will probably be much more knowledgeable about politics than your girl. You will be able?and may feel a strong urge?to ?pounce on every opinion she utters and prove why it?s factually incorrect or downright idiotic. You can do this and feel better. Just know that it will not get you laid.

The best approach is to keep things as light as you can. Spend the first date trying to get to know what she thinks about things outside of politics. Charm, flatter, soothe: do all that you can to make her feel at ease. If she?s a smart girl, then you should have more to talk about aside from who?s up and who?s down in the polls. Avoid turning subsequent dates into seminars and debates. If you are a political writer, you do that sort of thing all day. You should curtail it a bit when you?re just getting to know a woman you?re attracted to.

It is possible to date your political opposite. Although your views define who you are as a person, they need not limit the pool of women you date. Enjoy the upcoming political season, but don?t be stopped by its inherent rivalries. Flirt and fuck to your heart?s content!

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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.

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