Seven Websites You Need To Know To Learn New Skills
Investing in your mind and yourself usually leads to earning more money over you career. ?It also doesn’t hurt that women find intelligence extremely attractive. ?The more skills you have the more money you could earn doing something that you like. ?Whether you want to pursue a passion like photography or become a social marketing genius it pays to learn from the gurus and with these sites you won?t have to pay that much.
Increase your knowledge and skills for little as $1 a day.
Price: Starting at $49 per course
Focus: Web & Mobile app developmentOneMonth has a compelling pitch: learn X in one month. Their main focus in this moment is web and mobile app development, but also provide courses on audience building, social media, and more.
While there are no guarantees that you?ll learn what they?re teaching in one month, it offers a convenient solution for individuals who want to learn skills faster.
Learning to build a skill in one month could be pretty useful with the offerings from OneMonth.? Coursera while they are college levels courses requires a lot of time commitment but you will learn a lot if you committ.? Each website has it?s own unique business model.? From keeping courses you can review later using CreativeLIVE to more one on one based learning with Skillshare and Rype.? It has never been an easier time to learn some new skills.? If you take some business courses maybe you can learn to turn your hobby into the next million dollar idea.
See the 7 unique ways to learn a new skillset.
About Shaun Archer Tatum Shaun works in corporate finance in New York City. He has done financial consulting for several start-ups and has worked at several Fortune 500 companies. He has contributed several finance/investing articles on Seeking Alpha which have been published on Yahoo! Finance.