How To Get Through A Chick Flick
From time to time you will have to cede to the wishes of your significant other and watch a chick flick with her. These can be rather painful experiences, but there are ways to manage the suffering without creating undue tension and conflict.
Such films can be good. However, too many of them are filled with sentimentalism and simplistic plots that do not reflect the reality of being in a relationship. One of the most troubling effects of a romantic film is the ideas that it can put into your girlfriend?s head. A question or issue that has never come up before may suddenly be sprung on you out of nowhere. It can be tedious and tiresome to deal with such matters, especially since they have nothing to do with your lives as a couple.? Watching these films and getting through the difficulties that may cause is nevertheless part of the deal in being in a relationship. Your best response to it is to prepare for it. And here, you do have the means to assert some control over how the night goes.
Much depends on whether the film is to be watched at home or in a theater. If the two of you plan to enjoy a quiet weekend night at home and it is her turn to choose the movie, then you should take the lead in making the evening?s other arrangements in a way that is to your liking.
She selected the movie, so you pick the beer, the snacks, and the food. Though you will be admonished for playing on your Smartphone while the film is playing, she surely can?t object to your doing so if your purpose is to dig up certain facts about the movie and the actors and actresses in it. This may seem like a minor thing, but it can be a great distraction from some of the droller scenes in the movie.
Another trick to get you through?and this is personal favorite of mine?is to give your girlfriend a foot massage. Take advantage of the fact that you are in a home setting and do as much as you can to divert her attention from the film. The less attention she pays to it the less attention you have to pay to it. If she has had a particularly hard week, then a foot massage will not only relax her but will probably put her to sleep. If she dozes off, then you will be able to do as you like.
Having to watch a chick flick in a theater puts you in a tighter spot. You must simply endure the experience. What you do before and afterwards, however, may cushion the blow. If the plan is to have dinner before the show, make sure you take in enough wine or beer to numb yourself before the film. You should continue the process afterward. The last thing you want to do is go somewhere quiet in order to talk about the movie. Even if your girl insists on giving you her thoughts on what you?ve just seen, ensure she does so in a place that serves booze.
At some point, every man will have to watch a romance with his girlfriend. It is indeed the season for new releases of such films. Most of the movies you see will more likely than not bore you to tears. However, you are not without means of reducing the pain. Be proactive in arranging what the two of you do before, during, and after the film.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.