How To Become Rejection Proof
Rejection can be so powerful, that the human brain literally processes it in the exact same way as breaking a bone.
In the most extreme cases, you can feel panic, fear and literal pain.
Most guys want to learn more about attraction and seduction in order to cut down on that feeling as much as possible.
But even the most seasoned of dating coaches will tell you that it?s impossible to avoid the feeling entirely.
Rejection, at some point, will hit everybody, and you can rip your hair out trying to figure out all the reasons why something what went or what you did.
Some coaches will tell you to go out and get rejected over and over to build up a tolerance, but most others can?t imagine that it does any good for your self-esteem to do so.
So if you can?t help to never get rejected ever again, then how can you help reduce or remove the pain associated with it?
Know what your worth and know that it?s a lot. Value yourself big time.
If you understand that whoever rejects you is legitimately missing out, it makes it a lot easier to walk away for good.
Now, the thing is, you have to have a lot of value.
You?ve got to look good, be ambitious, be passionate, be fun, put in 110% in the bedroom. You can?t be needy or desperate.
It?s about knowing that what you bring to the table is a hell of a deal, but you do have to make yourself that good.
Will it make you never feel the sting of rejection? No. But it will be enough to assure you that there will always be a next one.
Call it what you will, inner game, self-esteem, self-confidence, those are all fine things. But if you truly take stock in yourself, they can be a hard thing to convince yourself that you actually have.
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About David Maitland David Maitland is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada.