5 Ways To Spoil Your Girl
Keeping the sparks flying in your relationship is a challenge. Even if you have recently started seeing a woman you?re dating exclusively, the two of you can slip into a routine that will turn dull quickly if no effort is made to turn it otherwise. Finding new and innovative ways to please her in the bedroom (and encouraging her to do the same for you) is of course one way of continuing to make things lively and interesting. However, when it comes down to it women want to be spoiled?in places other than the bedroom.
The grand gestures that are typically made towards this end are flowers and candy. Some women really like that kind of thing. However, in my experience, most prefer sweets and flowers only on special occasions?such as a birthday, anniversary, or Valentine?s Day. For other times you must use your imagination. Here are 5 ways you can spoil your girl, and keep the heat and passion alive in your relationship.
Nothing will warm her heart more than getting reservations for the two of you at a top restaurant. Don?t tell her anything about it. Just do it. Of course, you will have to ensure that she is able to make it on the evening that you have in mind. But that can be done through subtle questioning. Your willingness to splurge on a fantastic meal and good wine is an act that she will not soon forget.
Go away for a weekend. Look at one of the upcoming long weekends in the fall and book tickets to a place unexpected and exotic. If you have passports and live on the east coast, think Europe. It?s not as far-fetched as it seems. Most destinations in Western Europe are only 5 hours by flight. Some years ago, when I lived in Rhode Island, I took the girl I was dating at the time on a long weekend to Paris. She was completely taken off guard, and loved it! You can find all sorts of deals and packages on the web that are designed for just this kind of thing. If you think Europe is too much, take a trip to the Caribbean. Even a few nights in Manhattan will be seen as a wonderful gesture.
Girlfriends love gifts. You don?t have to be extravagant and spend thousands of dollars on a pair of earrings. But giving her a gift out of the blue will send her the message that you think about her. In choosing the gift, you should think about something that she?s recently mentioned. It can be a book that she?s talked a lot about or a hand bag that she stopped to look at. Be fun, creative, and interesting in your choice?it will really make her day.
The movie Pulp Fiction immortalized the nature of the foot massage in the minds of an entire generation. There is indeed, as Vincent Vega says, something quite sensual about giving a foot massage that distinguishes it from other rub downs.? If your girl wears heels all day at work, she will be especially appreciative of a nice, long, luxuriant foot massage at the end of the week. Pour a glass of wine, make or buy some snacks, invite her to lie down on the couch, and then rub her feet as the two of you watch a nice film. It will not only relax her; it will put her in a very generous mood.
Do not underestimate the power of the kind word. You do not have to go on and on about how beautiful she is; such talk will bore and may even frighten her. However, you should occasionally say something nice about the way she looks in a particular dress you like or the perfume that she wears or something else of the sort. Uttering a compliment when she least expects it can really make her day. It must be spontaneous and genuine. The way you say them, and the expression on your face when you do, must be as convincing as the words themselves.
Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2014/07/22/when-she-wants-you-to-buy-her-gifts/
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.