The 4 Types Of Tinder Girls And How To Approach Each One

4 Types of Girls You’ll Meet on (And Strategy Guide)

The proliferation of the dating app has enabled the established player to apply stereotypes to easily identify the type of girl he has just matched and thus amend his approach appropriately.

If you are looking to take your Open Rate (the rate at which a match will respond to your opener) to the next level, this can be achieved by simply customizing openers to each of the four types of girls described in the post.

Before we move forward, remember that these are just the main types of girls and that many more exist. Also, these types are not finite and certain girls could have profiles that could be associated to multiple types.

I have included an example opener for each type of girl so feel free to ?lift & shift? but trust me, your results will skyrocket when you are able to customize the opener to be congruent to yourself.

1. The Party Girl

The Party Girl is typically slightly younger, enjoys going out drinking and having fun with friends.

Typical Photo?s – Drinking, with friends

Profile Description Indicators – Mentions drinking, partying and having ?fun?

Opener Guidance – Now these are amongst the most messaged girls on , therefore we need something a little stronger than usual to cut through:

  • ?YOU NUMBER NOW? ? Very strong, shows dominance

2. The Career Girl

The Career Girl may be slightly older, has been through her Party Girl phase and is no focused on building her .

Typical Photo?s – Professional, corporate environment, immaculate appearance

Profile Description Indicators – [empty]

Opener Guidance – Here we have to be a little more reserved and play by societal rules to avoid being rejected for being to ?out there?:

  • ?There she is? ? This classic has proven to perform best with the Career Girl

3. The Travel Girl

The Travel Girl loves adventure; she is either currently ling or s in her spare time each year. She is spiritual but still likes to have fun with her friends.

Typical Photo?s – Beaches, nature and backpacks

Profile Description Indicators – ?YOLO?, ?Live Your Dreams?

Opener Guidance – React favorably to anything related to , adventure and spontaneity:

  • ?I?m going on an adventure tonight?? ? Baits her into asking a question

4. The Alternative Girl

?The Alternative Girl thrives on being different; she loves art, music, fashion and clearly shows this throughout her profile.?

?Typical Photo?s – Artistic, nudity

Profile Description Indicators – Abstract list of different interests

Opener Guidance – Here we have a free reign, the more different/weird the better:

  • ?You remind me of?? ? You can either leave open ended or you could insert any animal/person/place, either works well

So there we have it…

Before you jump in and send that boring ?Hey? opener to the awesome match you just got, take a step back and ask: which type of girl is this?

Only then are you in a position to select your custom opener that will drastically reduce the likelihood that you will be ignored and the awesome girl will drift away forever.


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  • How to Make Her Laugh (and make her want you)
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About Dave Smith Dave Smith is the founder of The Girlfriend Funnel, where he teaches guys around the world how to get a girlfriend without stepping foot in a nightclub.

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