How to Play My Favorite Sex Games (Dirty Instructions Inside)

Naughty Sex Games

I love to play games?NAUGHTY games, that is;)

Don?t get me wrong?sex is the greatest thing ever!

?even BAD sex is still more fun than most other activities, right?!

But what if you could make a good thing even BETTER?

You can. All you gotta do is turn good old-fashioned f*cking?

?into a dirty, GROWN-UPS ONLY, game!

And today I?m going to teach you how to play;)

Oh?and here?s a little secret?

Not only will these X-rated games spice up your sex life?

?They?re also a sneaky way to get your girl horny, even when she says she?s ?not in the mood.?

One minute she thinks you?re just having an innocent game night, and the next, she?s riding your COCK!

So here are a few very kinky (and totally FREE) sex games that you absolutely HAVE to try?

Strip Ping Pong

Invite your girl to a game of table tennis.

But instead of keeping score, whenever one of you gets a point, the other one has to take off a piece of clothing?

The challenge is to NOT start fooling around until BOTH of you are completely NAKED!


This way, by the time you?ve finally stripped down to nothing?you?ll both be so HORNY that you?ll probably wanna f*ck there on the ping pong table?

And everyone knows that tabletop sex is always extra HOTTT!

Of course, you can pretty much play ?strip? anything?checkers, darts, Monopoly, whatever.

But ping pong is BEST, because it?s more active?so you get to watch her body bounce?

I actually prefer to play this game with girls myself;)

Truth or Dare

I love this one, because it?s not necessarily a ?SEXUAL? game?

?but it can take a very EROTIC turn if you want it to;)

And?NO, you?re NEVER too old to play!!!

For example, a few years ago, I went over to this guy?s house. His name Marco and he was really cool?

But we?d only met the night before and this was our FIRST date?so I wasn?t planning on hooking up with him.

Anyway, so I go over to Marco?s thinking we?d just watch TV or whatever?but then he suggested we play Truth or Dare instead.

So we did?and, well?things got hot and heavy VERY fast. And before I knew it, Marco and I were going at it like ANIMALS!

I was like ?oops, how?d that happen?? HAHA=) But luckily the sex was really, really good?and we actually dated for almost 6 months after that.

ANYWAY?you probably know the rules, right?

You take turns asking each other ?truth or dare??

?When a person picks ?truth,? you ask them any question you want, and they have to give you an HONEST answer.

?When they pick ?dare,? you have to think of something for them to DO, and they HAVE to do it!

Now here?s how you make it SEXY:

Whenever she picks ?truth,? ask her questions that you know are gonna make her WET?

?What?s the craziest thing you?ve done in bed??

?What?s your favorite position??

?What?s your secret sex fantasy?

?What color panties are you wearing??

?What?s your biggest turn on??

You get the idea!

Now, if she chooses ?dare,? you should make her do things that get her aroused?

…but DON?T be too obvious about it.

So don?t say stuff like ?I dare you to suck my cock.? That?s not very sexy!

Instead, dare her to do stuff like:

Give you a lap dance for 30 seconds.

Sing the national anthem?TOPLESS

Let you suck on her toes.

Lick whipped cream off your bare chest.

Put something weird?but not dangerous?inside her pussy while you watch?like a cucumber, banana, or basically anything that?s shaped like a cock and won?t get stuck;)

Remember, she HAS to do it, or she loses the game?so be creative!

Carnal Cards

This game is super EASY and very DIRTY!


Get a deck of cards and assign a sexy act to each suit?

Spades: Kiss lips

Hearts: Hand stimulation

Diamonds: Oral stimulation

Clubs: Describe your wildest fantasy

Ace: Pleasure yourself (the other person gets to watch!)

King: Sensual massage

Queen: Kiss neck

Jack: WILD CARD (choose ANY one of the naughty deeds listed above)

Then, simply put the deck face-down and take turns picking cards?

Whatever suit you pick, you have to perform the act that corresponds with it on the other person!

Try to go through as many cards as you can, before blowing your load;)



So, now that I?ve told you about MY favorite games…I wanna hear about yours!

Do YOU know of any other fun, dirty, bedroom games? Let me know?

Seriously! I promise I?ll try it?and report back;)

Maybe I?ll even share your suggestion in an upcoming email!

Until next time?keep it sexy, fresh, and FUN in the bedroom=)


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