These DIY Health Checks could Save Your Life
Most of the time, men will refuse to see a doctor until they’re really concerned about something, or in serious pain. During a survey conducted in 2007, it was discovered that about 58% of men such as lack of “extreme” symptoms of lack of time as their reason for avoiding physicians.
Unfortunately, although this may be a reasonable approach some of the time, the burying your head in the sand approach to healthcare isn’t a good way to stay fit. Albeit everyone knows how much the Affordable Care Act has messed everything up, avoiding a doctor is not the smart route to take if you need one. Sure, a lot of ailments will just sort themselves out without the assistance of a medical expert, but denial can also have serious consequences. A better idea is to assess your health regularly with easy morning inspections.
So what should you be looking out for?
1. Ghastly Gums
Any inflammation, redness, or bleeding around your gums could be a result of gingivitis, a condition which can become gradually worse over time, evolving into periodontal disease. In turn, this links to heart disease, the biggest killer of men today. The reason that this happens is that the bacteria from periodontal disease leaks into your bloodstream, causing inflammation throughout your body, and in your heart.
If your gums appear to be swollen and red, or constantly bleed after brushing, you may be suffering with gum disease or worse. Start flossing on a daily basis and visit your dentist to ask for an intense cleaning if necessary.
2. Blocked Up Nasal Passages
When you wake up on a morning, it’s a prudent idea to take a deep breath of fresh air to help you start your day. If you’re constantly breathing through your mouth rather than your nose, though, this could be a sign that your nasal passages are obstructed, potentially as a result of allergic rhinitis. If you struggle with wheezing and coughing at the same time, you may even have asthma. In some circumstances, blocked nasal passages could contribute to the development of sleep apnea, and you should contact a doctor if you share some of these noticeable symptoms.
3. High Heart Rate
Health experts use your resting heart rate to figure out how hard your heart has to work in order to pump blood around the body. This test is not only a proper way to test your overall fitness, but it also signals problems like heart disease and diabetes if it is especially high. Some researchers have discovered that if your resting heart rate is above 70 beats per minute, your chances of dying from heart disease could be increased by as much as 78%.
If you’re checking your resting heart rate yourself, make sure that you go to the bathroom first, since a full bladder can aggravate your heart rate. Sit and relax for a couple of minutes before taking your pulse and count the number of times your heart beats in 15 seconds. Times that number by four for your beats per minute. Usually, a beat per minute level of 40 to 60 indicates a decent level of cardio fitness.
4. Belly Weight Worries
A lot of men find that they struggle with gaining weight particularly across their stomach section, and research has suggested that visceral fat seated deeply around your abdomen could increase your risk of suffering from diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and more.
Unlike other forms of fat, visceral fat gathers in the deeper pockets of your abdomen, increasing the dangers of inflammation and filling the spaces between organs. What’s more, this fat can lead to issues of insulin resistance, a problem that pushes your pancreas to work harder in clearing glucose from your bloodstream.
Your belly bulges could be a result of visceral fat if you struggle to grab a pinch or fold. If you have some fat to get rid of, start by simply watching your diet. To calculate how many calories you should be taking in each day, multiply your target weight by 11, and you?ll understand what your daily intake should be.
5. Painful Muscles
Pain and poor flexibility in your back can lead to more chances of injury. If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, then your neck and shoulders may hunch forward, limiting mobility, and leading to discomfort. If you start to have muscle pains, try shaking yourself out and stretching as often as possible. There are certain back exercises you can learn by doing some basic online research or seeing a chiropractor or an athlete trainer.
Trust us, if you have neck or back pain, you will have all the motivation you will need to seek out one or more of these sources. Everyone wants to be on top of their game all the time!
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About Benjamin Roussey Benjamin is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master’s degrees and served four years in the US Navy. He enjoys sports, movies, reading, and current events when he is not working online.