Why Coffee is Actually Good For You
For most of drinking coffee is just a way to wake up and survive the day, but it actually has a lot of its own health benefits as well. Here are some reasons why that cup of coffee is actually good for you, body and mind.
When caffeine hits the brain it blocks the neurotransmitter Adenosine, which increases the use of others and increases the amount of neurons getting fired around. This can improve your reaction times, memory, mood, and all around cognitive function.
Or at least, one less likely to deal with erectile dysfunction. A study done at the?University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less likely to experience erectile dysfunction. The reasoning? Caffeine is a stimulant, which can increase the blood flow to your junk. Thanks stimulants.
Coffee can help you improve your fitness in a couple ways. For one thing, the caffeine boost from drinking coffee can actually boost your metabolic rate, which in turn helps you burn more calories even at rest. For another thing, caffeine stimulates the nervous system and can send out signals that tell the fat cells to break down and release fat. On top of that, caffeine also help to improve your physical performance so drinking it before the gym can help you work harder, therefore burning more calories. It’s like getting thin while you sip.
Coffee doesn’t just hop you up, it is also a good source of a variety of nutrients that you need to stay healthy. These include:?Pantothenic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, Niacin, and Riboflavin.
Multiple studies have shown that coffee drinkers have significantly lower risks of developing type 2 diabetes. Like anywhere from 23-67% percent lower risk. That’s pretty significant. It’s not exactly clear why this seems to be, but hey.
Drinkers rejoice. Drinking coffee can help prevent cirrhosis of the liver, which is when the liver basically turns into scar tissue. Obviously that’s not great and can lead to all kinds of issues. For some reason people who drink four cups of coffee a day have an 80% lower risk of developing such liver issues. As for liver cancer, drinking coffee might be able to prevent that as well. Coffee drinkers might be 40 percent less likely to get it, which is good because it’s the third leading cause of cancer death.
And not just because you actually feel awake for once! One study found that women who drink coffee had a 20 percent lower risk of becoming depressed, and another found that people who had four or more cups of coffee each day were 53 percent less likely to commit suicide. Plus, it can mood boost in the moment for general blues and moodiness as well.
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About Kate Ferguson Kate Fergus is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blogs and online magazines. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce.