10 Simple And Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy
We lose energy with everything we do. From breakfast onwards, the effects of our coffee wear off, until midday when we could happily retreat back to the comfort of bed. A study showed that judges granting parole, would be likely to do so 65% of the time after lunch, compared to almost zero before. That hit of glucose in their food picked their energy back up.
We can all get a little hit from food, more so if you want a quick sugary snack, but we can’t always rely on this approach. We need some other options to get our motivation pumping for longer, all throughout the day and week. Huffington Post have come up with a few options, including taking a walk, biting a lemon, and meditating:
4. Meditate
Meditation is all the rage right now, and for good reason: it can lead to reduced stress, increased self-awareness, and better concentration. In other words, if you meditate regularly, it may become easier for you to maintain focus,- even when you?re tired. For a painless way to get started, download the Lucent app, which helps you meditate for five minutes each morning.
If you’re anything like me, boosting energy is a vital aspect of each day. Good thing is we don’t need to resort to sugar, energy drinks can — and should — be thrown out, and replaced by some of these natural and effective methods. Check out the full article for the other tips.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.