Why Mad Max Is A Modern Male Role Model
I?ve seen Mad Max: Fury Road twice now and it?s pretty much the greatest action movie ever made.
But there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the film for its feminist undertones, which has resulted in some lesser, more insecure men boycotting the film.
Here?s the thing about being anti-feminist, you 100% of the time come off as a drastically insecure, unconfident man. You come off as intimidated, and instead of laughing it off, you?re broadcasting your insecurity. It?s grossly unattractive to women, and no proper way to be a man.
If you?re trying to take women down a peg, you?re basically screaming, ?I?m not good enough for you and I know it!?
You?re broadcasting to the world that you?re afraid of women. There?s little difference between an anti-feminist and a high-school virgin, except the high-school virgin isn?t necessarily a fundamentally bad person.
How one might expect to be found attractive by strong, sexy, confident, desirable women, when one is constantly letting them know how intimidated and afraid of them he is, is beyond me.
You don?t have to see anybody, regardless of gender, as above you, nor should you. But if you?re made insecure by a badass, apocalyptic-truck driving woman, who is all about saving women from a life of sexual abuse and who isn?t subservient to the male protagonist, the problem isn?t the film, it?s you.
So let?s all agree that we love women, and move on to something that nobody seems to be talking about, which is that the film has a really positive, totally masculine, male role model.
His name is Max.
Max?never gives up and he never just accepts what?s happening to him, he takes action. He always makes the morally strong choice. He inspires those around him. He helps those in need.
Make no mistake, Max is no push over. He stands up for himself. He’s never scared and he’ll stand toe to toe with anyone.
He respects women as his equals. But he has his own priorities?and goals. He?s not needy and he?s not dependent on anyone but himself.
He makes hard choices and goes through the eye of the needle time and time again with relative composure and confidence.
Max doesn?t feel the need to say a lot. He doesn?t brag, or boast or have an overinflated ego. But when he does speak, it carries weight.
Sex isn?t Max?s number one priority, but his confidence and air of mystery are enough to attract the interest of strong women. In the end though, he knows when to walk away. He knows when to let go, get over it, and move on.
Oh and it probably doesn?t hurt that, at least by wasteland standards, Max is pretty well groomed and dressed. Just saying.
About David Maitland David Maitland is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada.